Sol Connection Vol.1 - Issue 2

Not everyone has this path, and I think it’s important to note, when we’re centering family planning conversations, that everyone has unique perspectives, and if it overall dials down to respect for one another, then we would move forward. Respect is kindness. Honesty is kindness. Having an abortion is not only about choice, it’s about access, it’s about respect, it’s about kindness.

To ourselves mainly. These days, I look forward to sharing space with you for compassionate care, as any community member can reach out to me, to help them navigate a pregnancy loss including abortion, miscarriage, and stillbirth. The spiritual practice of letting go of aspirations of a Spirit not meant for us, and reclaiming our stories, centers my doula work. As I work with my own body now to tell me what it needs after its screeching halt, if I got pregnant again, I might decide the same path because what I have, there’s a genetic component. That is for me, and me, to decide. Just like you. Con amor, brillo, y fuerza, JM


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