Sol Connection Vol.1 - Issue 2

“This is a different question for me to parse out, I believe that since I paint from my perspective, the work inherently carries all of me. I think my work is very traditional in a sense they often operate within the confines of composition, figures, and beauty.” Of course I had to know, what inspired her to be an artist? What inspires her art? “I don't think I can pin point an event, I think I was born with a compulsion to make things. One of my first memories was drawing on my living room floor. It's always been a part of me. Life, living, is inspiration. I often paint to work out thoughts, feelings, and experiences that I may not have the language for. Sometimes I need to make to put the chaos of life into context.”

Samira provided a parting piece of advice for aspiring artists.. “External validation is nice but it can't be the driver of your work. Also, time management and community building skills are great to help support your creative practice.” To learn more about Samira Cheuk’s artwork check out: orks ycheuk/


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