Sol Connection Vol.1 - Issue 2

Furthermore, we have completed our “2024 Pregnancy, Loss & Birth Experiences Survey”. We are so grateful to our community members who generously shared their stories and insights about what it has looked like to be pregnant in Clark County over the past 5 years. Our survey findings will inform future programming and advocacy efforts, ensuring that our initiatives are informed by the lived experiences and needs of those we serve. In our Fall issue of Sol Connection, we will share the survey’s findings. Additionally, we’ll be presenting the data alongside parents who completed the survey, at the Nevada Maternal Child Health Conference in September. Want to attend? Register at

This summer’s reproductive health workshop centered on Menopause, a life transition that often does not get talked about. In the Fall, our workshop theme will be around lactation. Please consider joining us in these gatherings, even if you have moved beyond these stages, have yet to, or will not personally journey through these experiences. Our workshop gatherings are gender, life stage, and age- inclusive because the only way

to normalize bodies and educate each other is by including all people in all cycles of life.


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