Biola Broadcaster - 1969-04

could resolve some of our problems.” He said, “Okay, let’s do it.” For twenty minutes she rehearsed her grudges, starting back when they had been married for six months. When she got all through, he looked at her and said, “Well, honey, why haven’t you told me this before?” She said, “Well, I was afraid that you would get mad and blow up.” I turned to him and said, “Well, now, your wife has shared her feelings. Why don’t you share yours?” He started in and like her, it was like taking a lid off of a septic tank. Out poured everything! When he got all through, she looked at him and very calmly said, “Well, why haven’t you told me this before?” These two young people were telling me a lot of things, one of which is that they both had their separate weapon they used on each other to stifle communica­ tion. Henry Brandt, the Christian psy­ chologist, says there are three weap­ ons people use. One is silence. One is anger and explosion or the threat of explosion. The other is tears. That is, you tell me something that is negative about me, and if I don’t like it, I will break down and cry. I’ll get mad and explode or lapse into silence. These weapons stifle communication! The Bible says, “Speaking the truth in love.” In other words, don’t just say what you want to say, but say it lovingly. I would like to em­ phasize the need for communication about everything. You don’t have to put up with your partners’ disagree­ able conduct, but you have to love them anyway. I find it a lot easier if you have your day in court, that is, if you can talk to him or her kindly about it. Here are some simple rules for communication with your partner: First of all, pray for the wisdom of God and the filling of the Holy Spirit so that you seek the right time and the right place and say it kindly.

A MOTHER’S PRAYER I thank Thee, Lord, since little hands hands will hide Forbidden things and restless feet will stray. That I can point them to Thy truth and guide them Along a living way. I thank Thee, too, since wounds are sure to be That I can bind them gently, dry the tears, And, whispering comfort, tell them with certainty, That their heavenly Father hears. And oh, I thank Thee, Lord, since hours are of So swift a weave, that there is still today . . . And I have time to tell them of Thy love And time to hear them pray. — Ruth Gibbs Zwall GOD'S BEST God has His best things for the few Who dare to stand the test; God has His second choice for those Who will not have His best. It is not always open ill That risks the promised rest; The danger, often, is the foe Who keeps us from the best. Some seek the highest choice, But, when by trials pressed, They shrink, they yield, they shun the crowds And so they lose the best. Give me, Oh Lord, Thy highest choice; Let others take the rest. Their good things have no charm for me, I want Thy very best. I want, in this short life of mine, As much as can be pressed Of service true for God and man; Make me to be Thy best. —A. B. Simpson


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