Q. Stanton, Calif. — “Just what does total commitment to Jesus Christ in volve?” A . First of all, it does not mean what we refer to as going into full-time Christian work, such as the pas torate or the mission field. Total commitment doesn’t have to do with service but relates to one’s heart attitude to Christ. See verses like Romans 12:1 and 2. If we follow through on this exhortation, we will experience the joy and contentment of total commitment. Hebrews 12:1 and 2 is also excellent on this subject. We are to set aside the besetting sins of life and look only to the Lord Jesus Christ. We should always con sider Him in every facet of our daily lives. The secret of a victorious Christian life is keeping our minds fixed upon the Lord. Once we are in that attitude of mind and heart, the Saviour can direct us by His Holy Spirit. In this committed life, how ever, we must walk by faith. Q. Providence, R.l. — “In II Samuel 21:8, Michael, the daughter of Saul, is said to have been the mother of five sons. In II Samuel 6:23, we read that Michael was barren. How do you harmonize these passages?” A . II Samuel 21:8 gives the answer, stating that while Michael did not physically have children of her own, she brought them up for Adriel, the husband of her sister, Mirach. She was actually the foster-mother of her nephews. So, both passages about which you’ve asked, are correct. 20
Q. Redding, Calif. — “Must a person who has backslidden be baptized again in water when he returns to the Lord? A . No, we don’t believe that this is necessary. When one accepts Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, he be comes a totally new creation (II Cor. 5:20). Baptism is symbolic of the cleansing work of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is an outward sign to the world of an inward change of heart. The backslider returns by way of repentance and cleansing according to I John 1:8-2:2. Q. Coeur d’ Alene, Ida. — “A friend of mine told me that Moses’ wife was a colored woman. I ’d like to know for sure.” A . You will find the answer to this in Numbers 21:1. It is assumed, that all Ethiopian women are colored. There is no indication that his first wife was a Negro. However, the Ethiopian woman no doubt would have been. Q. San Francisco, Calif. — “When the king of Tyre is mentioned in the Bible, does it always refer to Satan in the passages given in the his torical books of the Old Testament? In I I Samuel 5, I Chronicles l i , I Kings 9, II Chronicles 2, we read about Hiram, king of Tyre.” A . Hiram was an actual king of Tyre. Geographically, this area is located in the eastern side of the mediterranean. It would be the west-
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