Biola Broadcaster - 1969-04

temporary art seems to be pointless. Then, again, the old adage is no doubt true in this frame of refer­ ence, that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” We would not oppose someone else’s taste, unless the art was something immoral or which ap­ pealed to one’s prurient interest. Here again the question remains as to who is to be the judge. Frankly, much of what we see in art today is exactly the same as the confusion to be found in almost every area of life. It no doubt is a sign of the times in which we live where former standards of decency are being torn down. Q. Spokane, Wash. — “I have a Bible question on John 5:3-7. How does one go about teaching this?” A . Just as the narrative has given it to us. Some of the older manu­ scripts have not included verse four, which may be the point of concern. In the light of the seventh verse, this would seem essential to the ac­ count. Beware of those who would try to take out portions on the grounds of so-called higher criticism. We would teach this section of Scrip­ ture, just as it is given in the Au­ thorized Version. This was a miracu­ lous thing at that time in history as God's Word has recorded it for us. Q. Sandy, Ore. — “In a recent pub­ lication of yours, you state that the first day of the week is the Lord’s day. Where in the New Testament does it speak of the Lord’s day as a day of worship?” A . The Bible does not specifically state this. From the very earliest of church history, Christians have ob­ served the worship of the Lord on the first day of the week (Acts 20: 7). The reason is because this was the time when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Many people are trou- 21

era portion of Syria and in Lebanon today. (Lebanon, in biblical times, was a part of Syria.) The principle used here is similar to what we have in Genesis 3, when Satan embodied himself in the serpent. This doesn’t mean that every time we come across a snake it is to be considered the devil. Satan chose this one channel at that particular time for the spe­ cific temptation of our mother Eve. Even so he has used others. There was one time when the devil used Peter. Our Lord Jesus said, in Mat­ thew 16, “Get thee behind me, Sa­ tan.” The Saviour knew Peter was not Satan, but the devil was speak­ ing through Peter. Because the enemy of our souls spoke through the King of Tyre at a specific time doesn’t follow that whenever we find him mentioned he is actually an em­ bodiment of Satan. The devil is sim­ ply the motivator or energizer be­ hind the human force. Ezekiel, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, has done a most masterful work from a literary as well as from every other angle. At one time he may be talking to the specific King of Tyre and then on occasion such as when he says “You were in Eden,” we know that he is going back to Satan. Gen­ erally speaking, these historical ref­ erences in Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles are specifically to the King of Tyre. In Ezekiel we find also the motivating force behind the sovereign who had Satan behind him. Q Laguna Beach, Calif. — “I would like to know something that is not 'primarily biblical. I t concerns what’s called, ‘contemporary art,’ produc­ tions. So many are of a seemingly senseless variety, without subject or purpose. How should a Spirit-filled person regard such?" A . We are hardly qualified to be a judge or a critic although, generally speaking, so much of so-called con­

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