Biola Broadcaster - 1969-04

bled by the erroneous teaching of the seventh-day worship. As Exodus 31 clearly shows, however, the Sab­ bath was a definite sign between Jehovah and the children of Israel. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the born-again Christian in this dis­ pensation of grace. I t was a sign for the Jews. Paul admonished the Christians to lay aside their gifts for the Lord on the first day of the week. And in Colossians 2:16, he states that we are not to judge or be judged in respect of the Sabbath. Although one of the Ten Command­ ments, it is the only one which was not alluded to in the New Testament. The other nine were all spoken of by Christ and elevated to an even high­ er plateau of respect and responsi­ bility. The reason the fourth was not reiterated is because our Lord Jesus Christ Himself is our Sabbath, or rest, which is what the word means. The first day of the week is the day of our Lord’s rising from the dead. We worship every Sunday specifical­ ly in a commemoration of His resur­ rection. Q. Van Nuys, Calif. — “My husband asked me this question, and I couldn’t answer it. Can you help me ? Why were the Jews God’s chosen people?" A . The answer is simply because God chose them out of His sovereign grace. There was not anything meri­ torious on their part whatsoever. Abraham, the progenitor of the Jew­ ish nation, was called by God in His love. Keep in mind that we, too, are called in the same manner. They were called to provide an ancestry for Christ in His incarnation, and as witnesses of the true God to all nations. Q. Boise, Idaho — “I was interested in the question concerning marriage and the unsaved husband spoken of in I Peter 3. Just how submissive

is the wife supposed to be when the husband may lie and drink, and is one for whom she can have no respect?” A . It is indeed hard for believing wives when their husbands don’t know the Lord and live only for the things of the world. In this case, the wife will have to honor him not so much for what he is in himself but rather for the position God has given him officially. We know from Scrip­ ture that we’re to be subservient to civil and political leaders. They per­ sonally may be very unworthy of our respect, but we are nonetheless to give it to them because of their position. So long as the Gospel of the Lord is not to be compromised and made shipwreck of, she can fol­ low the wishes of her husband. She must retain her faith, but she will have to go every inch of the mile to seek to win her loved one to the Saviour. She cannot give up her faith or her communion with the Lord, however, for this must always come first (I Peter 3:1-6). Q. San Francisco, Calif. — “With an unsaved husband, it’s hard to give money to the Lord’s work , because he just doesn’t understand. Please for­ give me for being so far behind with my gifts. Do you think that the Lord will hold me responsible?” A . We appreciate more than words can tell what such gracious senti­ ments mean, coming out of a heart of love and faith. Keep in mind that the Lord understands your predica­ ment. Your first responsibility is, first of all, to your own husband, after the obvious prime commitment of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. You must not give that up under any circumstances. If your mate is antagonistic toward giving to the Lord’s work, then honor those wishes. God will not hold you respon­ sible for what you are unable to

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