of our Lord Jesus Christ to reign on His rightful throne of His father David. Q. Myrtle Point, Ore. — • “One of the greatest sorrows in my life is my constant failing the Lord. Sometimes I get awfully discouraged. One of my greatest failures is not obeying His first and greatest commandment.” A . Do you notice the personal pro nouns which stand out here? This may be one of the reasons why you become depressed and discouraged. We are all prone to this same thing. It's dangerous to feel sorry for one self. Our Lord has promised perfect peace to those whose minds are stayed on Him (not those whose minds are stayed on themselves). Let us confess our sins, knowing that by so doing, the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Q. North Highlands, Calif. — “I had a man who was in a certain cult ask me how I could believe in the Trini ty, because if Jesus is God, why wouldn’t He know token He will re turn?” A . This question may arise from our Lord’s Olivet Discourse. You’ll want to look at Matthew 24 and 25, Luke 21, as well as a shorter account in Mark’s Gospel (13:32). Mark teaches the deity of our Lord, but his em phasis is on His servant work. The Lord in His statement here is ruling out anybody’s calculations. Jesus of Nazareth is not just a man; He is deity. He is come from God (John 10:31). Yet He is 100 per cent hu man. The Bible reveals Him as hav ing a genuine human spirit, a genu ine human soul, a genuine human body. He, however, was without sin of any type. In addition to that, He had everything pertaining to deity. He had two natures put together in His divine-human personality. They
give. Take heart and simply be an example of the believer. Do not nag. Do not complain. Do not be always preaching. Just by being cheerful, positive, and sweet (although it may be a strain), you will be able to demonstrate your living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Q. Yakima, Wash. — “Is there any place in the Bible where it states that the Jews are to be called from the north, south, and from the far corners of the heavens? I f so, where is that?” A . There are numbers of possible places. Consider Isaiah 43:5-7. Then we have the same truth in Isaiah 49:12, with the suggestion here on China. One other possible passage would be Jeremiah 23:8. There are prophetic passages indicating the fu ture of the nation. Q. Novato, Calif. — “Can you give me help on Isaiah 51:3? Was this pro phetic hope fulfilled when Jesus came, or is it still to come? Also can you comment on Ezekiel 36:35? Has paradise been restored? It seems that we haven’t come very far since Old Testament times.” A . What we see happening today is only a beginning. We are seeing some wonderful things, but nothing to what will be transpiring. What is just a beginning and an initial token we dare not take as a complete ful fillment. This will be brought to pass when Israel is in a right relationship with God through trusting Jesus Christ as Messiah and Saviour. Ezekiel 36 refers to specifics on how God is going to restore Israel. We have the figure on the valley of dry bones. Ezekiel 36:37 does not sug gest that Paradise has been restored. Both of these passages speak of the same event. This is after the Tribu lation which immediately follows the , Rapture. Here is the visible return
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