Biola Broadcaster - 1969-04

weren’t mingled. They existed there without dilution, as the Scripture would indicate (and also the Nicene Creed of the 4th century). Our Lord Jesus, in His divine consciousness, knew all things (John 2:25 as an example). Only God could have such omniscience. He knows all things either actual, real, or potential. The meaning is here that His divine con­ sciousness knew the time. He pur­ posely and sovereignly restricted His human being from knowing this par­ ticular fact. Q. Hayward, Calif. — “I do not quite understand what is meant in Romans 12:20: 'For in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head .' Does

the Lord mean that we should tan­ talize our adversaries?” A . Look at the verse just preceding this one. We a re told explicitly, “Avenge not yourselves.” We are rather to befriend our enemies even as did the Lord for us. The Saviour will repay. In humility of mind and heart, remembering all that Christ forgave us, this should be our pur­ pose. We should give our enemy food if he is hungry, drink if he’s thirsty. In this way we will be heaping coals of fire on his head, returning good for evil. It is not for this express purpose, but realizing the patience that the Lord Jesus Christ has had with us and our attendant love for Him.

Over the years Biola has had the opportunity of taking men fromforeign countries in a program known as "Operation: Firebrand." One of them was Rev. Fidencio Dumaran of the Philippines. Because of the way in which God has blessed his outreach, the students at Biola raised the funds necessary to purchase the land cruiser which you see pictured here.Already it has gone two and one half times around Mindanao Island containing fifteenprovinces. In one of the trips more than 7,000 tracts were distributed in schools and other public places. Pictured with Rev. Dumaran is his wife and their two younger children. We thank God for these faithful servants who have gone from Biola to proclaim the grace of God around the world. 24

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