Biola Broadcaster - 1969-04

Shine undisturbed . . . and am I less than these? I feel His hand upon earth’s battle scars, And touch His garment in each blowing breeze. My soul has met with God upon the hill Where Jesus died; and I am full content; Now all the fevers of the flesh are still, I rest in love’s supreme abandon­ ment And meet life’s losses with the calm rebuff: My God has dealt in grace. I have enough. — Helen Frazee-Bower PRAYER ATTITUDES Some go to God in prayer As though they would be heard By merit of their earnestness, Or power of their word; As though God did not want to bless, Or listen to their crying heed, But might be influenced to hear If they could prove their need. Some go to God in prayer With broken, bleeding hearts, Craving the peace and victory Which He alone imparts. They lay their burdens down On shoulders that are strong, Then take them back upon their own And carry them along. Some humbly talk with God; Confess their helplessness, And having laid their burdens down

PSALM 23 The Lord is my Shepherd; then why should I fear? He will feed me and guide me each day of the year. In pastures so green and where still waters flow, He’ll lead me upright as with Him I go. And if I should falter or faint on the track, He restoreth my soul and bringeth me back; In pathways of righteousness He leadeth me, His rod and staff my comfort shall be. And if through the valley of shadow I go, He still will be with me, he promised me so. I need fear no evil with Him as my guide, For He will support me whatever betide. His goodness and mercy will follow me still, As together we walk o’er vale or up hill Until He shall lead me right up to His throne, And sheep of His flock, His love and His own. I HAVE ENOUGH My God has dealt in grace: I have enough. The temple recedes. Though fortune frown. Or fortune, favor, paths be smooth or rough, It matters not, since God in grace came down. Above the clouds His myriads of stars

Trust Him to do the rest. Such go away in peace, And with the victor’s shout

To watch with interest, and see How He will work things out. — Barbara Cornet Ryberg


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