ed or resentful, stop for a moment and take a look at it. Then pray about it, because your reaction is not dependent upon another person’s be havior. If you sense anger, hostility, and bitterness come within you, then you have sinned against God regard less of the reason. Oh, you can say, “I’ve picked these socks up ten thou sand times,” but that still is no justi fication for anger, bitterness, and wrath. The Bible tells us very clear ly, “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption, but let all bitter ness, wrath, clamor, anger, evil speaking, and enmity of heart be put away from you, and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” When you really recognize that this is God’s will for you and how He would have you react, you can go to Him for power to “Walk in the Spirit.” If your partner goes off in a huff, angrily shouting at you, what is your reaction? Anger, hostility, bitter ness, wrath? If so, you have a spirit ual problem. This may sound ideal istic, but it through the Holy Spirit is possible. If your partner goes out of the house in the morning angry and upset, you can’t really do much about it. Instead of stewing and fum ing, you can pause and ask God to give you a forgiving heart. “Forgive him, Lord, he doesn’t know what he’s doing.” This is scriptural. Too many people chew about it and stew over it all day long. If you have a serious difference with your partner, something about which you have conflict, after you have examined the situation and af ter you have made your own attitude right with God, pray about it. Then communicate with your partner about it. Later on we will talk about communication in detail and how to sit down and share with your pp f- ner, but in the meantime let me just give this verse of Scripture. Ephe-
He loves himself, and finds it hard to love another. This individual will set out to make his wife happy by working for her. She, instead, seems to be an idealist and wants someone who will love her. He doesn’t seem to understand this. He thinks work ing hard, buying her things, etc., is showing love. They are so opposite they just don’t seem to understand each other. Psychologists call these differences, “personality conflicts.” Others call them “temperament con flicts.” These differences do not have to destroy a marriage! But they will if both people are so selfish they re fuse to let God modify the weak nesses that cause these clashes. The nine characteristics of the Spirit- filled life found in Galatians 5:22-23 are the perfect cure for such conflict. CHAPTER TWO Differences in marriage are not fatal! They just prove that you are individuals. Learning to live with these differences is the art that makes for a happy adjustment in marriage. Unfortunately too many couples get resentful, hostile, or bit ter when faced with natural differ ences. Here are some suggestions on how to manage your differences. When you feel yourself becoming frustrat-
Church of San Diego, prepares manuscripts for this month's broadcasts on "The Biola Hour" in his study. 4
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