a rich blessing through ignorance. For instance, I have dealt with many a frigid, frustrated woman who was in that condition primarily because of the old wives’ tales that she learned from her mother. They have all kinds of fears and bugaboos and witch doctor concepts that are en tirely incompatible with the Scrip ture. The Bible tells us that God cre ated all things. He didn’t create the body, as Dr. Brandt says, “part good and part bad.” Just because the re productive organs are special fea tures and we protect them does not mean that they are not “good.” As I tell young people, there is nothing wrong with sex, as long as it is re served for marriage. The Bible makes it very clear that the rela tionship between a husband and wife is beautiful, pure, and clean. This idea needs to be stressed particular ly for young women who have strange ideas that there is some evil connotation to “the act of marriage.” In fact, I found a beautiful princi ple in the Bible, that a married per son is still virtuous. Remember the story of Boaz and Ruth? He was about to marry a widow, and he re ferred to her as a “virtuoys woman.” Now, this is God’s attitude toward people who in marriage experience the normal blessings of physical union. It is a virtue! It is a purity, so long as it is reserved for mar riage! Why does the average Chris tian have such a warped view of sex? Basically it is ignorance. Ignorance breeds fear. Happy is the individual who studies the Word of God and doesn’t listen to the voices of others. In fact, it may surprise some of you to know that when God made Adam and Eve, they were both naked, they were not ashamed, they lived in the garden, and God said to them “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth” before sin ever came on the scene. Every now and then I will run into one of the oddballs who suggests that the forbidden fruit was the act 9
grateful to God to be able to say that Jesus Christ is able to bring happiness into a marriage. Let’s face it. When you get married, there are a lot of adjustments that have to be made in you and your partner. This adjustment in marriage not only will involve the mental area that we have discussed previously, but also the spiritual and the physical. I am not going into a frank expression of the physical adjustments of marriage on this broadcast. It is covered quite thoroughly in my book, “How to Be Happy Though Married.” But I do want to' emphasize that it is needful for Christians to understand the sub limities of physical union. I am in clined to believe that woeful ignor ance and stupid fears have kept Christians from enjoying all of the blessings that God intended for them in the physical areas of marriage. Many Christians know nothing about the ecstacies that God intended, and many seem afraid to learn. I remem ber buying some books by Dr. Henry Brandt for young people. I put them out in the book rack in the foyer of the church. All of a sudden the Chairman of the Board of Deacons, a very fine man, was all upset be cause he said we were, “distributing pornographic literature.” I said, “Now wait a minute; what are you talking about?” He was talking about this booklet by Dr. Brandt that contained a picture of the repro ductive systems of the male and fe male. I’m afraid his reaction is typi cal of most Christians. They think that all of these things are sinful and that we should never talk about them. I don’t agree! I think it is important for a minister to talk about these things, because he in a sense speaks for God. He is God’s physical, human mouthpiece. If he speaks from the Word of God, he is speaking the message of God to con fused people so that they may under stand God’s plan for man and woman — instead of ruining what could be
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