The Christ’s College graduate
Compassion & empathy Ngakau Aroha, Ngakau Whakāro Nui ki te Tangata
These are the character attributes developed through the boys' College experience. We believe they will enable our College graduates to flourish in an ever-changing world.
The action of caring and concern for the suffering and misfortune of others, and the ability to understand, share and respond to the feelings of others.
Courage & resilience Te Hautoa me te Manawaroa o te tangata Having the mental and moral strength to venture, persevere, withstand danger and confront fear or difficulty, combined with the ability and capacity to respond positively to setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances.
Enterprise & curiosity Te Āhua Pauaua me te Whakamatemate
Confidence & humility Ngakau titikaha, ngakau māhaki Possessing an optimistic perspective and certainty of purpose, balanced by a modest sense of self-importance.
A readiness or daring to engage in a project or undertaking that is especially difficult, complicated, or risky, and a strong desire to understand and learn something new.
Interpersonal skills Nga Pūkenga Takahoahoa The ability to communicate or interact positively and meaningfully with others and to present oneself with appropriate manners and regard.
Personal excellence Te Hiranga ake
Self-awareness Aroā Whaiaro
The ongoing desire of the individual to develop and empower their character, gifts, talents and relationships to the fullest, achieving a harmony in how they think, feel, believe and behave.
A conscious knowledge of personal character, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, beliefs and emotions.
Global and bicultural competence He Matatautanga Āo Whanui, Āo Tikangarua The knowledge, skills and open-mindedness necessary to navigate and engage with today’s interconnected world – both in a global and a bicultural New Zealand context.
A disposition to serve Whaiaro Āwhina Tangata
The capacity to lead and follow Te Āheitanga ki te Arataki me te Tautoko tangata
A willingness to selflessly help and do work for the benefit of others, the community and the environment.
The ability to influence and initiate by action or example, balanced by the understanding of when to be guided, to conform, to heed or to observe.
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