The exchange programme
The purpose of the exchange is to promote friendship and understanding between students from different schools and to provide boys with valuable experiences in another country, which may expand their understanding of global citizenship Our expectations Exchange students will be expected to participate fully in the academic and co-curricular life of Christ’s College, including sporting and cultural programmes and Chapel commitments. Boys coming to Christ’s College will be expected to observe the rules and regulations of the school. Should a student not comply with the expectations of the exchange programme, Christ’s College reserves the right to cancel the exchange and to send the student home at his parents’ expense. All visitors to New Zealand will require the appropriate passport and visa documentation as set by New Zealand Immigration law. This is the responsibility of the exchange student. Our responsibilities Students selected for an exchange should be independent and able to cope with the boarding school experience or staying with a host family. On acceptance to the programme, Christ’s College will: • provide each exchange student with an official letter of acceptance, essential information about the school, and forms to be returned for processing
• ensure that he is collected at Christchurch International Airport on his arrival and delivered there for his return journey at the end of the exchange. Parents and school will be notified of the student’s arrival and safe departure • provide accommodation, board, and tuition for the duration of the exchange • where possible, will ensure a match between the exchange student’s academic programmes but it is recognised that it may not always be possible to provide the same subject choices • provide necessary text books and exercise books at no charge. Text books must be returned at the end of the exchange. Access to the library will also be provided but any borrowed library books are to be returned before departure. Students are advised to bring their own calculator • insist on daily academic effort and attendance at classes, while allowing ample time for students to pursue any special projects or assignments set by teachers at their schools of origin • maintain periodic contact with the parents of exchange students and their schools of origin via the coordinator of the exchange programme • provide opportunities for the exchange student to experience life in the wider Canterbury area • ensure that all education outside the classroom requirements for excursions and activities have been met.
12 A guide to student exchanges at Christ’s College
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