Guidance for Christ’s College host families
Thank you very much for agreeing to host an exchange student as part of your son’s participation in the programme. Staff members at their own schools have vetted the students who come to us on exchange. In addition, they have been told what their school expects of them. The following guidelines may help to ensure that all parties involved enjoy the exchange experience. 1. Make your expectations of the visiting student clear at the beginning of their stay. They will be living in your home and your rules apply. Let them know what you expect in terms of tidiness, laundry, meal times, IT and phone usage etc. You may also find it helpful to find out what they hope to achieve while staying with you. 2. Encourage them to stay in regular contact with their parents/families, using their phones and laptops. 3. Explain curfews. It is recommended that exchange students not be allowed to attend parties during the week or go out late. Your visitor is here on an academic/cultural exchange and is therefore expected to be actively involved, as much as possible, in normal homework activities. 4. Arrange lunch for the student, as you do for your own child or give the student the opportunity to make their own lunch. If they are unaccustomed to our food, encourage them to help you with the shopping and to find a mutually acceptable solution. The school does not provide free lunches for exchange students.
5. Please pay for your exchange student when he is involved in a family meal in a restaurant or goes out with you. However, it is not expected that you will buy expensive items such as a concert ticket, although many families have done this and similarly generous things. It is often helpful for homestay families to find out what an exchange student’s financial position is in order to prevent any awkward situations from arising. 6. When it comes to pocket money, an open discussion should take place between the parents as it is a very personal issue. Clear boundaries and communication of what is regarded as essential is beneficial. Parents are encouraged to set limits which suit their means. 7. Exchange students are required to have medical insurance. We suggest the host makes a copy of the medical insurance details, on their arrival. 8. Safekeeping of passport, other travel documents and cash should be discussed with the student on arrival. Christ’s College will keep a copy of the passport, should it be mislaid. 9. Exchange students are required to bring their own school uniform which they will wear while at College. If they normally wear non-uniform clothing to their school, that will be acceptable. 10. In an emergency at night or during the weekend, please call the Christ’s College Exchange Coordinator, Sarah Davidson, on 027 430 6153. 11. Homestay parents are responsible for meeting exchange students at the airport and for taking them to the airport when their stay is over.
14 A guide to student exchanges at Christ’s College
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