A guide to student exchanges at Christ's College

Guidance for outgoing Christ’s College exchange students and their parents

the rules and regulations of the school and the laws of the country. This is of great importance as you are acting as an ambassador for Christ’s College and New Zealand. 4. Health Health services and facilities differ between countries and you will be required to take out your own travel insurance policy. Once the exchange has been confirmed, please see your GP to ensure that all necessary immunisations are acquired in good time. You will be asked to complete a medical form by the host school. On arrival at the host school, it will acquaint you with local arrangements in case of illness. 5. School work There is an expectation from Christ’s College and the host school that you will work to the best of your academic ability while on exchange. This means that you may have work to complete from College while having to complete work from the host school. 6. Accommodation on exchange – school boarding If you are placed in boarding accommodation during your exchange, then the rules and procedures governing the accommodation will be explained to you on arrival. Make sure that you understand the expectations and fulfil them to a very high standard. A small gift for the Exchange Coordinator at the host school who has helped to organise your exchange would be appreciated.

Essential information

1. Exchange application process As a student interested in participating in an exchange, it is first necessary to complete an application form provided by the Exchange Coordinator. Once the application has been completed by you and your parents, it will be passed to your Housemaster for their comments. Please note that the completion of an application does not guarantee participation in an exchange. 2. Travel arrangements Once your application has been approved by all parties at College and travel dates agreed with the host school, it is your responsibility to make travel arrangements. This should include ensuring that your passport is up to date, obtaining a visa if necessary, and arranging and booking flights. As soon as these details are known, they should be passed to the Exchange Coordinator so that they can be communicated to the host school. Usually travel arrangements to and from the airport are arranged in conjunction with the host school and the Exchange Coordinator will assist with this. In cases where two or more students are travelling to a school, we would want them to travel together. The Exchange Coordinator can help parents to coordinate the travel arrangements. 3. Research on the host country As it is likely that you will be travelling to a country that you have not visited before, it is necessary for you to research the school and the country to familiarise yourself with the different culture and, more importantly, local safety considerations and laws. In your application process, you will have signed a document to say that you will abide by


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