A guide to student exchanges at Christ's College

7. Accommodation on exchange – homestay If you are placed in homestay accommodation, you must behave with the utmost courtesy at all times. Follow the rules of the host family’s household. You are a guest in someone else’s home and your conduct must be exemplary. You must act with great courtesy and politeness and be prepared to help with household chores. Keep your room tidy and respect shared facilities, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Abide by the expectations of your host family when it comes to computer and phone use. Respect the cultural and religious differences of your host family, and at the host school. Appropriate local checks will have taken place of all prospective host families in terms of child safety. As a guest in someone’s home, you should bring a small gift from home to show your appreciation for their generosity in taking you into their home. 8. Dealing with problems Each host school will have its own teaching and pastoral system which will be explained to you on arrival. Make sure you know who you can talk to in case of any problems. Remember that there will be an Exchange Coordinator at the school who will have organised the exchange at the other end, and who will always be available to help with any problems.

9. Finances Many schools require a financial bond to be paid for expenses during the exchange or to act as a deposit for the use of a laptop, iPad etc. There is no fee for participating in an exchange, such as school fees, as the exchanges are part of the reciprocal agreement between Round Square schools. However, you are responsible for all travel costs, insurance costs, and any other incidental costs incurred as part of the exchange. In terms of spending money, it is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash. Make sure you have access to money via an ATM card or similar. Make sure you keep some money for the journey home, including excess baggage, if it is necessary.

10. Behavioural expectations While on exchange you are acting as an

ambassador of your country and more specifically, Christ’s College. This is a position not to be taken lightly, as your time in the host school obviously leaves a deep and lasting impression and one that will affect future exchange prospects with that institution. During your exchange, you must abide by the rules of the school and the laws governing the host country. Remember, if it is not acceptable at Christ’s College, it is not acceptable at the host school. Smoking, vaping, alcohol, and drugs are absolutely prohibited. The use of any of these substances will result in immediate removal from the host school and you will be sent home at your parents’ expense to face the consequences of your behaviour on return to Christ’s College.

18 A guide to student exchanges at Christ’s College

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