Populo Volume 2 Issue 1


differing in their responses. 98 In April, life had completely changed across the

world and any sense of normalcy was forgotten. Most countries had shut their

borders, cancelled events, prohibited large gatherings, schools had turned to

remote learning and non-essential workers were instructed to work from home.

Scientists discovered that the virus could be spread asymptomatically so anyone

who left their homes was encouraged by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to social distance and wear masks. 99 The implementation of

health measures intensified an attempt to ‘flatten the curve’ as the U.S. federal

government initiated ‘Operation Warp Speed’ in which a public-private partnership funded $18 billion into the development of a vaccine. 100

As seen in Figure 4, July saw a ‘second wave’ of the vaccine as states began

to ‘reopen’ in various stages. On July 10th, the U.S. set the record for the highest number of new cases in a day, for the 7th time in just 11 days. 101


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