Populo Volume 2 Issue 1

The 2020 Presidential Election

Background Information:

The 2020 United States Presidential Election was a highly significant political

event that occurred against the backdrop of profound social challenges. We saw

the face-off between incumbent Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe

Biden in one of the most closely watched and contentious elections in recent

history. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted substantial changes to the voting

process, including a surge in early and mail-in voting.

With two radically divergent views of the nation, the campaign was

characterised by severe polarisation, with concerns regarding healthcare, racial

inequalities, economic recovery, and pandemic management dominating public

conversations. As depicted in Figure 9, the election saw a record voter turnout,

further indicating the increased civic participation and the significance of the result. 126 In the end, Joe Biden secured victory and became the 46 th President of

the United States, with Kamala Harris making history by being the first female,

Black, and Asian-American Vice President.



Figure 9 – Source: Schaul, K. et al. (2020, December 8). Voter turnout in 2020 election: U.S. has record turnout. Washington Post.

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