Populo Volume 2 Issue 1


Moreover, many media outlets, driven by their

need for high ratings and viewership, often

engaged in

and provided


disproportionate coverage of controversial figures

or events associated with the far-right, invertedly

augmenting their messages and influence.

Influential figures such as Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson of Fox News (a

widely known conservative-biased news network) were criticised for amplifying narratives that cast doubts on the legitimacy of election results. 134 This

exemplifies how media and news outlets create a platform for far-right

individuals to spread their false narratives and conspiracy theories.

Additionally, Donald Trump played a

significant role in the weaponisation of

social media platforms to effectively

spread his narratives. His use of Twitter, in

particular, allowed him to communicate

directly with his following base and shape ideologies surrounding issues like

election integrity, thus impacting the far-right’s perception of mainstream politics.


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