Populo Volume 2 Issue 1


2020 was a pivotal year in history that was characterised by the COVID-19

Pandemic, the Black Lives Matter Movement, and the Presidential Election. The

confluence of these events created the perfect storm, in which civil unrest,

economic hardships, and political polarisation intersected with the sudden

increase in internet usage and combined to create the perfect fuel for a surge in

far-right activities.

• The Coronavirus pandemic not only switched life online, but it

also exposed existing economic and social disparities and provided

grounds for the far-right to exploit fears, weaponizing distrust and

opposition to health measures.

• The Black Lives Matter Movement acted as a catalyst for far-right

backlash and the polarisation of the political landscape. The protests were

used as a rallying point for far-right groups, with extensive media coverage

allowing them to galvanise their supporters and spread their white

supremacist rhetoric under the pretence of defending the police.

• The Presidential Election was fiercely contested and intensified

various public divisions, with widespread right-wing claims that Trump

was the true winner of the election and that there had been a national

voting fraud. Far-right opposition to the result climaxed at the storming of

the U.S. Capitol building.


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