Populo Volume 2 Issue 1

Mosk, M., & Osborne, M. (2020, June 17). Facebook takes down Proud Boys, American Guard accounts connected to protests. ABC News. Carney, N. (2016). All Lives Matter, but so Does Race: Black Lives Matter and the Evolving Role of Social Media. Humanity & Society, 40(2), 180-199. Wirtschafter, V. (2021, June 17) How George Floyd changed the online conversation around BLM | Brookings. Carney, N. (2016). All Lives Matter, but so Does Race: Black Lives Matter and the Evolving Role of Social Media. Humanity & Society, 40(2), 180-199. . Nguyen, H., & Gokhale, S. S. (2022). Analyzing extremist social media content: a case study of Proud Boys. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1). Mellnik, K. S. K. R. T. (2020, December 8). Voter turnout in 2020 election: U.S. has record turnout. Washington Post. Stelter, Brian (January 11, 2021). "Experts warn that Trump's 'big lie' will outlast his presidency". CNN. Afp, & Triomphe, C. (2020b, November 6). Explaining #StopTheSteal, Trump supporters’ viral offensive to discredit the election. America Votes. . Breland, A. (November 7, 2020). "Meet the right-wing trolls behind "Stop The Steal"". Mother Jones. Archived. Munn, L. (2021). More than a mob: Parler as preparatory media for the U.S. Capitol storming. First Monday. (p.2) Evelyn, K. (2021). “Capitol attack: The five people who died,” Guardian (8 January) Andersen, T. (2021, 6 January). “Before mob stormed US Capitol, Trump told them to ‘Fight like Hell’,” Boston Globe.


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