Populo Volume 2 Issue 1

power inequalities (p. 659). Racialization, as a structural attribute, impacts not just

subordinate groups but also requires the dominant group to maintain and preserve the

racial ideology that justifies their dominating position (p. 661). She claims that

asymmetric power relations, in which White people have disproportionate authority,

perpetuate racism and promote White domination. Examining the social significance

of Whiteness through postmodern perspectives is critical to dismantling this hierarchy.

To conclude, this essay has assessed how race and racism have negatively affected

the access to education and employment for refugee and immigrant communities, the

role of media in perpetuating negative racial stereotypes, and how immigration

policies contribute significantly to the perpetuation of racial inequality. Despite the

persistent obstacles that prevent immigrant and refugee groups from attaining equality

with their White counterparts, many pathways exist toward achieving this goal.

According to Markus Appel, the harmful impact of ‘stereotype threat’ may be

decreased by minimizing the negative correlation between belonging to a minority

group and academic performance, fostering diversity, and increasing the visibility of

minority group members (Markus Appel, 2015, p. 12). Devah Pager asserts that

eliminating racial prejudices is critical for encouraging equal chances and fair

treatment for all job seekers, regardless of race, ethnicity, or immigration status

(Devah Pager, 2009, p. 784). Blair Braxton emphasizes the need for more study on

refugee media discourse and its impact on policy and public views of refugees and

asylum seekers (Braxton, 2021, p. 40). At the same time, Elizabeth Aranda stresses the

importance of examining the long-term consequences of the present immigration

enforcement policy, particularly its effects on young immigrant adults and vulnerable

children (Elizabeth Aranda, 2015, p. 101). Recognising Guess’s insights into the social

construction of race and its effect on discriminatory attitudes, it becomes critical to

resolving these issues by actively challenging and deconstructing damaging

preconceptions. This entails pushing for a shift away from labelling immigrants and

refugees as “others” and confronting the underlying assumptions that fuel


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