Populo Volume 2 Issue 1

Dictatorship is for the liberation of the proletariat, which allows them to flourish

accordingly to their human nature. It is positive in the sense that releasing the

proletariat from capitalist oppression will allow the individual freedom to act of their

own free will. It is paramount to understand that when Marx is talking about a

dictatorship of the proletariat, he is not discussing the form of a dictatorship but its

content (Marquit, 2005). He is not referring to a dictatorship in its traditional form of

an autocratic and oppressive regime, but rather to the revolutionary nature of

transforming a capitalist society into a classless one. Once the bourgeoisie has been

sufficiently suppressed, the democratisation of the proletariat would be able to begin.

Through the establishment of a dictatorship, the exploited proletariat seeks to wield

political power to entirely dismantle the bourgeoise’s exploitative system.

Additionally, Marx also argues that the modes of production present at the time also

influence human nature. Humans “begin to distinguish themselves from animals as

soon as they begin to produce their means of subsistence, a step which is conditioned

by their physical organisation. By producing their means of subsistence men are

indirectly producing their actual material life” (Marx & Engels, 1976, p.7). Capitalism

broke down production’s social nature and individualised it to improve efficiency.

People became alienated from the product produced, the act of production, their

human nature and finally, each other (Boucher & Kelly, 2017). The Dictatorship of the

Proletarian would remedy the alienated individualised nature of capitalist production

because production would not need to maximise efficiency to generate capital growth.

The means of production would be returned to their social nature, which is innate to

human nature. Overall, the purpose of the Proletarian Dictatorship is that of individual

liberation and progression; only by forcefully stomping out oppression can the latter

be realised.


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