Populo Volume 2 Issue 1

Chief Editor’s Introduction

Dear readers,

Welcome to the first edition of Volume 2 of Populo! After Populo's success last year

we are back and aiming to publish another two editions to showcase the incredible first-

class work produced by students in the Department of Politics, Philosophy and

International Relations.

This edition includes work from students from all three years of study. Our third-year

publications include both a dissertation and a report from the Researching Politics

module. We hope this gives you an insight into the variety of work you may be asked

to complete during your degree.

I would like to give thanks to the editorial team for all their hard work producing this

edition as well as Dr Matthew Wall and Pete Griffiths for their support.

On behalf of the whole team, I would like to thank everyone who submitted their work,

whether it was published or not, and congratulate the students whose excellent work has

been chosen for publication.

I hope you all continue to support the journal this academic year and beyond as we are

all proud of what has been produced.

Happy reading!

Florence Wade, Chief Editor


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