Populo Volume 2 Issue 1

Langton (1993) constitutes her claim, with a specific look into her stance on uptake.

Uptake is defined as “the hearer’s recognition of the speaker’s communicative

intention” (McDonald, 2020, pp. 1). Uptake is successful if the hearer understands the

intention of the speaker. For example, if Ciara says to Jacob “Can you pass me the

pen?”, with Ciara’s intention being to get Jacob to pass her the pen, uptake is said to

have been successful if Jacob recognises this to be Ciara’s intention. If, however when

Ci ara says, “Can you pass me the pen?”, with the intention of getting Jacob to pass her

the pen, Jacob breaks the pen, as he thinks that this was the desired intention of

Ciara’s utterance, uptake is unsuccessful or not secured.

My dissertation explores three theories of uptake. Firstly, it looks at the

constitutional theory and ratification theory of uptake (McDonald, 2020, pp.2). It finds

that the ratification theory is the strongest theory and dismisses the constitutional

theory for three reasons: It lacks correspondence, it is normatively incoherent, and it

holds unsavoury political implications (McDonald,2002, pp.3). Next, it reviews the

third theory of uptake held by Bird (2002). Bird (2002, pp. 10) suggests that no uptake

is necessary for the success of an illocutionary act. I critique this theory of uptake

against the ratification theory. Through exploring the work of McGowan et al (2011,

pp.139) I show that Bird’s (2002, pp.10) thoughts on uptake are to be dismissed due to

his confusion of sincerity intention from illocutionary intention. This leaves me to

conclude in conjunction with McDonald (1993, pp. 1) that the ratification theory of

uptake is the strongest and most coherent theory. Thus, for the claim that pornography

silences women to be fully justified, it must sit within the ratification theory of uptake.

Investigation into how Langton (1993) views uptake leads me to find that she is

reliant on the incorrect theory, the constitutional theory. Despite this initially looking

problematic I identify literature by Hesni (2018), with conclusions of a similar nature

to Langton (1993) in terms of the harm pornography has on women, which is situated

within the correct theory of uptake (ratification theory). I explore how Langton (1993)


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