Populo Volume 2 Issue 1

reinforce and validate these beliefs, and it is very unlikely that they will

find content that offers a broader picture of events and issues.

❖ Echo Chambers are created when people predominantly interact

with like-minded groups and content, leading to the reinforcement of

shared ideologies and the exclusion of dissenting opinions. This isolation

from varying perspectives permits an environment in which far-right

ideologies are unchallenged.

❖ Media Biases can be held accountable for shaping the content that

individuals encounter within filter bubbles and echo chambers. Biased

reporting and selective framing amplify far-right narratives whilst

presenting information that aligns with the existing views of the audiences.

❖ Consequences: These factors not only contribute to the

amplification of extremist views, but they also assist in the dissemination

of misinformation. The lack of accessibility to counter-arguments, biased

reporting, and selective exposure results in far-right ideologies gaining

traction and the public becoming accepting of false information. The

combination of these factors creates the ‘hyper - polarisation’ that has

become increasingly common in developed nations across the globe,

meaning that ‘cooperation a cross political divides is becoming near impossible’. 95


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