Let’s Talk Trash! SEPT / OCT 2022 ©2022 - 2023 The Keenan Group, Inc
aaron@usstn.com c: (615) 982-2998 w: (615) 227-2275 f: (615) 746-5211 Project Manager AARON WOLFE
Welcome BACK TO SCHOOL! I hope everyone had a fun and amazing summer. Now that our school year has officially begun, let’s get off to a good start. Many of you are starting a new school this year as you go from elementary to middle school. This is an opportunity with a new school and to make new friends. We get off to a good start by reflecting on what we learned last year and building on those experiences. Let’s all strive to treat each other how we want to be treated and to make new friends this year. If we all strive to go from good to great, we will start this year off on the path to success.
For more information: Sergeant Kasey Fitts at: kasey.fitts@tn.gov or (615) 854-5675 D.A.R.E Coordinator Tennessee
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