King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

THE ; : - K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The Language of a Layman

Regarding Reason and Religion

E. H. Gartrell, General Manager of the Ashland/Fire Brick Company, Ashland, Ky iiì è' i It is a hopeful sign to the lovers of our Lord and of our land that all oyer America there is a rising tide of interest in civic conditions as related to the moral life of our young people. Mr. Gartrell, who is .a valued member of The King’s Business Family, hit the nail squarely on the head in this address which was delivered before the Rotary Club of Ashland, Kentucky, and reported in full in the Daily Independent of that city, from which publication we quote.

And yet scientists,V-^many of them— are ready to sub­ stitute an unproven hypothesis for the Bible account of crea­ tion. However, not all. I could name a list of topnotch scientists, who proclaim that where science— so-called— de­ parts from divine revelation, they accept divine revelatiori. The Shifting Sands of Science A publicist, with a wide range of profound study, like­ wise a man of affairs in the business world, in a personal letter to the editor of the Manufacturers Record, writes: “ * * * X save until the last the thing that appeals to me most, and that is your decision to say something in reference to this Dayton matter. This whole world is get­ ting as materialistic as was ancient Rome. Some people still cling,to ambitions other than money-making, but there aren’t so many of them as there should be. These scientists are inclined to be a rather bigoted people themselves. When I was in school one was apt to be disciplined if he questioned the accuracy of any of the theories set forth in the textbooks. Now one is ridiculed if he does not know that most of those same theories are obsolete. Take the law of gravitation itself, which was supposed to be beyond all possibility of attack. Yet we have seen it assaulted right and left and declared out of date by Dr. Einstein and his followers. “At one time I read a great deal of this evolutionary doc­ trine, and the more I read of it the more amazed I became that anybody could accept its dicta as science. What these evolutionists give us is nothing but a universal accident. “There is an impenetrable veil beyond which we cannot go in any direction. Our poor little finite minds cannot stretch into infinity either to the east or to the west. That is a very patent fact for any mathematician, and we cannot know anything about first causes or final destinations except through revelation. “I am glad, therefore, that this issue has been joined and that you had the audacity to take it up in a business journal. ‘What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?’ When we reach the point where that is not a logical question for every man to ask himself and the sole test of a successful life is the ability to acquire riches, then we may as well just quit.” Sacrificial Savings Started Schools Now don’t get the impression that Fundamentalists are opposed to higher education. Who but the Fundamental­ ists poured their money, much of it sacrificial savings, into the treasuries, of the schools and colleges and made possible the great universities of today? Investigate the early his­ tory of Yale and Harvard and Princeton, or almost any of the institutions of learning;'!and see if some good old Methodist, or Episcopalian, or Presbyterian, or Baptist, who believed the Bible and practiced its precepts, was not the founder or one of the prime movers in the establishment thereof. , , (Continued on page,517^

’’Ill lares the land to hasten in g ills a prey W hen w ealth accum ulates and m en decay.”

PERSISTENT propaganda is being waged in this land to resist all authority, to let every one do as they please — regardless of who or what is thereby damaged, and this propaganda is being fostered by men and women of the “pink” variety who would be horrified if they realized that their schemes were hastening to a conclusion the schemes of such men as Wm. Z. Foster and other “Reds” of thè Communist party in the United States.. There was held this year a summer “School of Hate” at Waino, Wisconsin, at which half a hundred young pupils were instructed for Communist leadership and future teachers in public .and private schools! The outstanding purpose of this school, as set forth by the conductors, and reported in the Minneapolis Journal, is “the substitution of the Communist system of government, such as prevails today in Soviet Russia, for the present capitalist system of society in America.” Yet many of the “best” people in the. United S tates!JS that is, those highest in education and in social circles— will blindly and blandly continue to assert “Nonsense. There is no Communist'agitation in this country.” ,; And great financiers and business men will continue to permit millions of their dollars; which they imagine are being used for philanthropic purposes, to be delivered largely to the support of the “Red” movement, and the maintenance of just such propaganda as this “School of Hate” in Wisconsin. Poisoning the Springs of Learning Intolerably bad as it is to have in this country a school such as this, designed for the express purpose of training young people to go out and proclaim Bolshevistic doctrines, — it is a question whether even such an institution can. do as much harm as is being done by many Bolshevistic pro­ fessors in colleges and universities, who are filling the minds and hearts of their students with the accursed doctrines which have brought wreck and ruin to Russia, and which will ruin every country in which they can secure a dominating hold. Our schools and colleges are filled with communistic arid socialistic doctrines. Materialistic philosophy which caused the downfall of Germany has taken the place of religion. The Bible—Our Bulwark We owe our National greatness to the Bible, the Book that towers, over the wrecks of time. In what country, other than a Christian country, has education so flourished; where have colleges, universities and other institutions of learning so prospered? Where have so many hospitals for the alleviation of suffering been built. Where has science, -—which is but orderly marshalling of facts,— been so patronized?

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