THE ; K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
November 1925
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made several statements which we again urge our readers to remember. In part we quote: “I do not think there is much dan ger . that the American people will deliberately, by amendments to the Constitution, take away these rights, destroy the fundamental principles on which our Government is founded, or place it within the power of any legis lative body to do so.1 “But there is no doubt that these principles of our Constitution are being assaulted from two sources. First, the open, (as. well as secret) propagandists, who advocate the over throw of the Government and the sub stitution of a class tyranny; second, a, considerable body of our citizens who, in tlie name of liberty and re forms,' are impatient of the Constitu tional restrictions and by insidious approaches and attacks would destroy these guarantees of personal liberty. “If these people are not satisfied with our Government and our institu tions let them go where they can find a Government which does satisfy them. This is not the place for them. 1 say to you, and to all American cit izens loving liberty and justice: ‘Hold fast to the teachings of your fathers.’ ” — Better America Federation. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS Not people, only years! When you are speaking of ancestors, just speak in terms of “millions.” It sounds so scholarly, and besides no one can dis pute you. The news comes from Mon golia—-which spot has been chosen as best adapted for tracing the ancestry of man— that the expedition led by Mr. Andrews has discovered the bury ing ground of “the Asiatic father of the Azilian man who lived several thousand years ago in Europe,” but that “the Asiatic father was older by five or ten thousand years.” They “found no human remains,” BUT Mr. Andrews hopes to find them next year, and claims that his discov eries antedate the “generally accepted mammal age by millions of years,” proving that “Mongolia contains the ancestral trees of both man and beast.” The greatest difficulty about this ancestral business is that the human race does not make any headway in morals. It still keeps up the lying, stealing, murdering business and does not evolute upward a hair’s-breadth. In fact, it seems to have gone down a shade or two in this generation, if the secular press is to be believed. How ever, our evolutionary friends are not exercised about that, for in their cal culations they still have millions and millions of years left in which man may struggle towards uprightness.
years ago” and that “doctors, teach ers, preachers and widows are the fav orites” for these “financial fishermen.” Only a small crook is needed in the hook to insure a catch, provided the bait is gilded with gold. Some of these good people were Christians and no doubt had some expectation of using the returns for God’s.glory. If any of The King’s Business Family are inoculated with this disease, write us and we will tell you how to invest your funds with certified assurance of good returns, with no sleepless nights, no heart-breaking regrets, just a real “Praise the Lord” every day. WARNING FOR THE WORLD The wife of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has had some messages from her son, who is now in the spirit world, - in which he notified her, beforehand, of the Japanese earthquake and troubles in China and Egypt. The last message received foretells the “coming of a great world catastrophe” unless the world settles down to meek and lowly living. “The world is \oo materialis tic” says Lady Doyle, and the reforma tion will be wrought in 1925 to 1928. She asserts that many afflictions like the Great War and the influenza epi demic are on the way. These were not sufficient, but some more drastic pun ishment must be inflicted by what she terms “the higher powers.” Well, we shall certainly do our best to broadcast her warning. By the way, there are some warnings in the Word of God which are well worth remem bering, For instance,- 7 — r, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils” (1 Tim. 4 :1 ). “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Tim. 3 :1 3 ). JUST A WORD OF WARNING Secretary of State, Frank B. Kel logg, in a recent address in Minnesota,
A CHINESE VIEW OF AMERICAN p o l it ic s Chinese fitness for self-government is so much discussed that a disserta tion on the subject by Yua-Ling Chin under the title “American Politics: A Chinese View” is well worth reading. The. author assimilated political econ omy in the universities of Pennsyl vania and Columbia. He quotes as a definition of the American statesman and politician the facetious antithesis: “A statesman is simply a politician in office; a politician is a statesman out of office.”——Exchange. ‘‘CHICKEN-HEARTED’’ PILGRIMS Speaking at Mansfield, Dr. Dinsdale T. Young, of Westminster Centràl Hall, confessed that during his long ministry he had known a good many men and some women, whom he would not think of denying that they had the “root of the matter” in them, but thèy were very troublesome pilgrims for all that. The reason was that they were “chicken-hearted.’’; “A .chicken- hearted man is bound to be a trouble, not to say a nuisance, to someone,” declared Dr. Young.-—Selected. ENGLISH IS URGED AS INTERNA TIONAL SPEECH MEDIUM Prof. Ernest Bromberger of Berlin, a member of the Berlitz School of Lan guages, before sailing for Europe expressed the belief that English is the purest and richest o f all languages, and should be made the universal tongue instead of Esperanto or any other synthetic1 language. “If the Treaty of Versailles had been written in English instead of French,” - said Prof. Bromberger, “most of its difficulties would have been avoided. French is tricky and permits of many interpretations, while carefully written English is explicit and direct. When the French text was translated into the lan guages of the various countries in volved, the shades of meaning varied widely. The Germans translated a phrase to mean one thing, while the English, Italian and French each had their own interpretation. When you say a thing in English, it’s so. Ot}ier languages are not so accurate.” INVESTIGATING INVEIGLERS It is reported on good authority that one billion dollars were inveigled from the purses of the gullible public last year by financial “fishing.” A New York University found that out of five hundred investors in worthless stock, fifty-four per cent were caught by promises of huge returns. The Los Angeles Times, in commenting upon this, says that there are “four times as many;i suckers -as there were ten
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