BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. L y m a n Stew art, Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork. Bible C lasses a n d Soul W inning Clubs. “ H e th a t w illeth . . . sh all know .’*
aglow, and said, “Something has hap pened; I feel so different. I do know that Jesus is the Son of God and my Saviour.” 1 The following week he told the worker he had written to his family and friends in the East, and had given his testimony to all who came to his bedside. He lived only three weeks after his conversion, but during that short time he was a faithful witness for his Lord. When he died the light of heaven shone in his face. A BEAUTIFUL VISION . “ God m oves in a m ysterious w ay H is w on ders to perform .” Opportunities come to all, come on the common days, come continually. There are opportunities for perform ing gentle ministries and for render ing sweet services in Christ’s name. Those loving Christ will be on the lookout for some such expression of love' as came to pass a week ago. In one of the Neighborhood Adult Bible Classes, the hostess took the opportunity to ask the teacher if she would give a lesson on the Tabernacle to some boys and girls in the neigh borhood. The teacher said She would stay the following Week after her usual class. At 7:30 thefsbhildren arrived. They were very quiet and interested in the lesSon. The hus band of the hostess asked if the meet ing had been postponed. She replied that there were thirteen children in the next room! Oh! what a sight-— boys and girls hearing the beautiful Tabernacle story explained for the first 1time. They were thrilled and spellbound. After teaching for a long
time the teacher stopped, .and one boy said, “ That isn’t all there is?" “Oh, no,” said the teacher, “but it is get ting late.” “Oh, won’t you come again and tell us more?” She prom ised to do so, but before she left she asked how many had accepted Christ as their Saviour. Seven responded, the other six asked how they could belong to Jesus too. So this wonder ful opportunity which the hostess had seized resulted in God blessing the efforts of herself and the teacher with slk precious, souls bound for that beau tiful city, the heavenly Jerusalem. “I w ish th a t His- hands had been placed on m y head. T h at H is arm s had been throw n aro u n d me, A nd th a t I m ight have seen H is kind look when H e said, L et th e little ones com e u n to M e/’ WORK IN THE SHOPS , M arion H . R eynolds, Supt.— M eetings H eld in Shops, F actories, C ar-B arns a n d Fire Engine H ouses in Los A ngeles. “C ast th y b read upon th e w aters: for thou sh alt find it a fte r m any day s” (E ccl. 1 1 :1 ). B HOUGH there are many dis couraging things that come up .with reference- to the w;ork that is being done in the shops, there are just as often'encouraging things, which tend to strengthen one’s hands in. the work. Way back up into Canada, in the ranks Of the Mounted North West Police, is a fellow that we- perhaps would never have known about had it not been that one of our Christian workers, who had helped us in the work, met him while traveling
S the Bible Woman walked through a hospital ward, she felt led to stop at the bed side of an old man. During the conversation he was
asked, “Are you a Christian?” “Well, madam, I do not suppose you would call me a Christian. I believe in God.” “Do you not believe in Jesus.Christ as the Son of God?” “No, I believe there was such a man, but that He was only a man. God did not need Jesus to save the World. He made the' world and He can save it without any help. And I must atone for my own sins.” “Ah, but .the Bible— ?” “ I do not be-; lieve all the Bible. Some parts of it are true, other parts are not.” The deity of Christ and God’s plan of sal vation were explained to him, but he refused to believe. The worker called to see him regu larly and much prayer Went up to God for him. After one visit he said, “Madam, if I could believe as you do I never could praise God enough.” One day as she rose to go, she said, “We are still praying for you.” He replied, “Thank you. I do not mean to be stubborn. I may be wrong; I want to believe.” She answered, “ If I will ask God to show you that Jesus Christ is His Son and your Saviour, will you repeat the prayer after, me?” She prayed, but the man was silent. When she finished he offered a simple,, earnest prayer in the name of Jesus. At its close^h e looked up, his face
A Gathering of Men to Hear
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