King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Let The Sunday School Times help you to make 1926 the very best year you have ever had in Sunday School Work

AND here are some of the outstanding reasons why it can do just that for every teacher, officer and pastor: The Lesson as a Whole—a masterly, compre­ hensive and thoroughly practical treatment of the International Uniform Lesson, by the dis­ tinguished Scottish Bible-teacher, W. Graham Scroggie, of Edinburgh. Questions for Teacher and Class—just the questions you would like to assign to different members of your class, for between-Sunday research, and for class discussion. The Busy Men’s Corner— that inimitable para­ graphic lesson commentary, by Iron-master Ridgway, which has been called, “White hot sparks of spiritual steel!” This Week’s Teaching Principle—where in connection with each lesson an important prin­ ciple of true teaching is set forth by Prof. C. C. Ellis, a leading educationalist. The Illustration Round-Table— anecdotes and incidents illustrating the lesson, supplied by the world-wide family of Times readers—by far the richest source of fresh illustrations in peri­ odical literature. From the Platform— a three-minute talk by Philip E. Howard, suggestive to the superin­ tendents, in clinching the lesson’s heart-truth for the school.

For Primary Teachers— in which Mrs. Eleanor B. Hatton talks with the children on the lesson in a way that greatly helps other primary teachers. Your Class of Girls—what to teach and how to teach those teen-age girls of yours, in getting the lesson into their every-day living. “Say, Fellows”— is the boy-reaching lesson­ teaching of Wade C. Smith, a genius at the job, who will give you many a welcome hint in teaching and guiding those boys of yours. Little Jetts Teach the Lesson—Yes, indeed they do! And you’d be surprised to know how many different kinds of folks delight to use these little Bible-picture pen-and-ink creations of Wade C. Smith’s clever touch. Better get acquainted! Pace’s Christian Cartoons are another distinc­ tive and exclusive Times feature, with their heart-searching, unforgettable thrusts, and flashes of spiritual illumination. Nothing of the sort approaches them in power and pointed­ ness. Editorials greatly enriching the devotional life, and both challenging and encouraging a deeper spirituality and more effective service. Notes on Open Letters—where answers are plainly and clearly given to vital questions asked by readers. d p i ( f in ie s a U ' 1 1 3 I / m


/ #

(Published E very Week)

H In addition to the above, there are: Ernest Gordon’s fascinating Survey of Religious Life and Thought; Question Box and Articles on Sunday-School Methods; Helps for the Young / / People’s Meeting; a rich feast of special articles from the leaders in Christian life and / , thought; Prof. Melvin Grove Kyle’s reports of the latest researches in Bible lands— / , / and more that you will welcome eagerly. Will you try it? / o^ The Sunday School Times is an international, interdenominational, weekly journal for adults in the field of Bible study and teaching, Sunday-school / management, and the Christian life and service. Fourteen lesson-helps on / 4 ^ the International Uniform and Whole Bible Courses are in each, issue, with many other special departments. The paper goes into every state, territory, and province in the United States and Canada, and one hundred foreign countries. Subscription price, $2.00 a year, or $1.50 in clubs of five or more copies, either to separate addresses ' * or to one address. / i / m / Name.. Address..

TH E SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES COMPANY Box 1550 Philadelphia, P a.

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