T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
November 1925
to be with Christ in conscious blessed ness and at the second coming of Christ their bodies shall be raised and transformed- in to ' the likeness of the body of His glory. X I. All those who persistently reject Jesus Christ in the present life shall be raised from the dead and through out eternity exist in a state of con scious, unutterable, endless torment and anguish. Ml. The Church consists of all those who,' in this present dispensation, truly believe on Jesus Christ. It is the body and bride of Christ, which Christ loves and for which He has given Himself up. M i l . There is a personal devil, a being of great cunning and power. “The prince of the power of the air,” “The prince of this world.” “The god of this age.” He can exert vast power only so far as God suffers him to do so. He shall ultimately be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone and shall be tormented day and night forever. THE LATE DR. ARTHUR T. PIERSON ON HIGHER CRITICISM By George A. Sanford On the occasion of the memorial service to the late Dr. J. Hudson Tay lor, founder of the China Inland Mis sion, in June, 1905, Dr. Pierson sent a tribute in which he said in part: “Let us not forget in these days of declension of faith in the authority and inspiration of the Holy Scripture that of all Dr, Taylor’s characteristics nothing is more prominent than his deep, uncompromising and unswerv ing devotion to the Word of God: He communed habitually, as George Bowen used to say, hè ‘immersed him self’ in it, as a sponge in a bowl, till he took up by absorption that which the Word of God contained, so that it became his own possession. “He believed that in that Word were the secrets of heavenly wisdom, both for individual life and for or ganized work; he sought therefore to get every day some new insight into the Holy Scriptures and, as it were, a new motto for each day’s duty. To the last every word of Scripture was to him a treasure of wealth and knowledge. He looked with strange wonderment upon the readiness of. so- called ‘higher critics’ to make conces sion to the enemies of the supernat ural element in Scripture and he com pared it to the Russian’s flinging out his children to the pursuing and hun gry pack of wolves, one by one, in order that he might escape their vio lence. He felt that men were fling ing out, one after another, the pre cious, vital truths of our faith to appease the clamor of rationalists and he held firmly to the Word of God in its entirety to the end of his life.”
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