November 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
A M E M O R Y S T U D Y ON THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE For Young Christians
A Choice Selection of Personal GretingCards
(W h e n c o m m i t t e d to m e m o r y th is r e c i t a t i o n w o u l d s e r v t o t h e h o o k s , w h i c h w o u l d n e v e r b e f o r g o t t e n a n d w o u i n t e r e s t i n t h e B i b l e b y al l w h o h e a r d it— E d .)
In Jeremiah we hear the Voice, As God rebukes the people’s choice. We next behold the Prophet weep In Lamentations strong and deep. Ezekiel shows us mystic wheels; And Israel’s future, too, reveals. In Daniel visions we behold; The reign of Christ is also told. Hosea sings in holy lays Of God in all His grace and ways. In Book of Joel war is rife, And might of God to still the strife. In Amos, Judah’s raised again, And in the Land with Christ shall reign. In Obadiah, Jacob’s named. And Edom for his sin is blamed. In Jonah’s freedom from the whale, We have Salvation’s wondrous tale. The Prophet Micah doth relate The loving God in mercy great. In Nahum’s Book a Stronghold’s found,” That keeps the saint both safe andj sound. \ In Habakkuk a prayer we hear, Which bids us worship God and fear. In Zephaniah, Jehovah sings, And to the Land His people brings. In Haggai, the Temple’s waste; He bids the people build with fraste. In Zechariah, we visions see, Of things that are, and these to be. In Malachi the Lord’s the same. He calls us each to own His claim. N EW T E STAM EN T In Matthew’s theme of Christ the King, The laws of right with vigor ring. As Servant true in Mark He’s shown. His acts of service fully known. The Man of men in Luke behold: His words and works are clearly told. In John, as Lord we see His grace; His truth in all His acts we trace. In Acts, the Spirit came in might,*! To bless His saints and keep them right. In Romans, next, we’re justified; In Christ we’re free and sanctified. (Continued on page 506)
OLD T E STAM EN T In Genesis all things began That have to do with God and man. In Exodus the Law was given To keep our life in tune with Heaven. Leviticus reveals the Blood That kills our sin in crimson flood. The Book of Numbers shows the way, How we should walk, and war, and pray. Deuteronomy, the truth twice told, It’s always fresh and never old. In Joshua the walls are down, And Israel’s found on Canaan’s ground. In Ruth the Kinsman acts in grace, To give the Gentile Bride a place. In Samuel One is seen King Saul, His rise and sin and loss and fall. In Samuel Two, King David reigns. And yet by sin his life he stains. In First of Kings the Temple’s built, We also read of Israel’s guilt.- And Second Kings records the lives Of prophets, kings, their sons and wives. In First of Chronicles we’re shown The House of David and his throne. And Second Chronicles records The many acts of kings and lords. In Ezra’s journey, work, and prayer, The traits of Grace are everywhere. Next Nehemiah, who built the wall, In spite of foes who planned his fall. The story rich of Esther’s tact Reveals how she with God did act. In Job, a saint is sorely tried, And yet by trial is sanctified. The Psalms are many, good, and rare. They tell of God’s unceasing care. The Proverbs true, with maxims right, An armor is to fight the fight. Ecclesiastes—Wisdom’s lay, So never from its precepts stray. The Song of Songs, it speaks of love, The Bridegroom fair, the Lord above. Isaiah’s message tells of Him, Who died to save us from our sin. In Judges sin doth men enthral, And yet the Spirit conquers all.
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