November 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Understandest Thou What Thou
A c t s V I I I : 3 0
The Ethiopian was instructed in the Scriptures by the Evangelist Philip. Today the Scriptures are more clearly understood through the use of THE SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE A V O L U M E O F R A R E B E A U T Y
The O xford U niversity P ress h as published an edition of the Scofield R eference Bible w orthy of its high tra d itio n in c ra fts m anship. It is p rin ted from larg e b lack-faced ty p e on a v ery fine q u ality of special Bible p ap er, opaque an d y e t so th in th a t the 1370 pages m ake a volum e only 1% inches thick. (T he book
m easures 5 % x 8 inches.)
A n indexed a tla s w ith tw elve full
pages of colored m aps is included. ^The binding is a fine g rain M oroccoette, w ith overlapping edges. T he b a ck stra p is titled in gold an d th e pages are .richly edged w ith gold. A thum b index gives in sta n t access to th e various books of th e Bible.
H OW often we long-to understand the Bible better! How often we wish we could have the help of some one who could make clear the obscure passages ; some one who could help us get back of the mere words to the hidden riches of the Scriptures! You will find just the help you need if you use The Scofield Reference Bible Over two hundred and fifty thousand readers of this unusual volume are finding its helpful features the key that reveals Scriptural truth. For them it transforms the Bible from a dry, uninteresting book into a vivid, living message. The Scofield Reference Bible has helps to all the difficult passages on the very pages where they occur. Simple, practical helps that tell you just whaFyou want to know, just where you need it. Remember—on the very page where explanation is needed —this wonderful book answers questions like these: Are miracles contrary- to reasbn? Was man created or evolved? How do we know the Bible, is inspired? Does consciousness exist between death and the .resurrection? Has Helps Found In No Other Bible Have 'you a broad grasp of the various books of the Bible, their theme, their historical background, the period of time they cover? A brief synopsis and analysis at the beginning of each book in the Scofield Reference Bible affords an illuminating panoramic view. Again, throughout this Bible, there are chapter sub-heads which shqw at a glance the subject matter of the paragraphs. The text, the Authorized Version, is further illuminated by marginal notes giving the latest renderings. Modern synonyms are offered; ancient weights, measures and moneys are turned into modern equivalents. A unique topical chain reference system makes possible the finding of all related passages. May We Send It On Approval? We cannot adequately describe all the merits of this Bible in this limited space, but you may judge of them yourself by a week’s examination. Merely send the coupon. If you agree that this Bible is all we claim for it, after you have examined it, send the amount stated in the coupon, plus the few cents postage. • If it is not entirely satisfactory after a week’s examination, return it and you are absolutely under no further obligation. As long ,as our supply lasts, a copy of the valuable booklet The Bible Reader's Companion will be sent with your Bible without charge.
There is no risk, and as this offer may not be made again, mail the coupon today.
F R E E W i t h Each Bible "T h e Bible R eader’s C om panion" is full of inform ation of v ital in te re st to all Bible readers. It ad d s im m easurably to y o u r enjoym ent an d u n d er standing. A copy will be sen t free w ith each Bible ordered as long as th e supply lasts.
OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Am erican B ranch, D ept. 20A, 35 W . 32nd S treet, New Y ork, N. Y.
G entlem en: Please send m e a copy of The Scofield R eference Bible, w ith im proved thum b index, beautifully bound in fine grain, M oroccoette, w ith overlapping cover (sty le No. 74-1), an d The Bible R eader’s C om pan ion. -A fter a w eek’s exam ination I will pay $5.95, plus th e few cents postage, it being agreed th a t th e paym ent will be refunded if I retu rn b o th books in one week.
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C ityi;,t:iiL....i.....*....::...;.:,Vi----State........ □ Check here if you p refer th e edition bound in French M orocco leath er, w ith o v er lapping cover w ith im proved thum b index, p rin ted on genuine O xford India p ap er (sty le No. 75x-I). Price $10.50 a n d po stag e, w ith sam e re tu rn privilege. The Scofield R eference Bible is also sold by y o u r bookseller.
Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York
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