November 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
If you need money for your church work, our CHRISTIAN SERVICE CALENDAR offers a m ost satisfa c to ry w ay to raise it. So a ttra c tiv e it sells itself. T hirteen fam ous sacred a r t p ictu res in b eautiful offset colors. A scrip tu re v èrse for every day in th e year. O ur term s to ch urch w orkers are very liberal. M any societies have earned from $75 to $100. Send to d ay for descrip tiv e circular'. HENRY TROGLER 169 M elrose St., - - B rooklyn, N. Y. Christian Workers Wanted To d istrib u te religious lite ra tu re in their own com m unities. Big pay. E xperience not required. S pare tim e can be used. W rite for special term s, an d territo ry . U niversal Bible H ouse, D ept. 299, Philadelphia. DIETZ INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE Used by thousands of Methodists everywhere. Ask for o u r catalog of Church and S.S-supplies. \V M . H . DIETZ. 20 E. RANDOLPH. CHICAGO
EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e 4 7 9 )
Institute in China. It can be done. Who o f our readers having property in Mexico will donate a parcel of land and help us build a humble Institute and then help spread the Gospel in old Mexico? Will not all you prayer- helpers back us up with your prayers, for it is all according to His promise, and He will do it if we earnestly pray and do what He says we should do. Pray, pray, pray. BIOLA HALL WORK D avid C ant, Supt.— O ur C ity M ission for Men in th e cen ter of Los A ngeles. M eetings co n tin u o u s from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day P ray e r M eeting. H E have been looking over our notes of the various cases dealt with at Biola Hall in order to cull out something of more than usual interest to place, before our readers and our many friends scattered all over the world. As the space allotted to us in The King’s Business is limited to a certain number of words it is only pos sible to enlarge on two or three inci dents. This month, however, we are trying to present a picture of the average case condensed in order to convey the variety handled in our per sonal interviews. Here are some in teresting items for God’s people to pray over! Chat with a down-and-out bum, a tale of woe and wrong philosophy of life. Interview with business man stum bling over a professed- Christian who would not meet his obligations nor pay back the money loaned him. A heart-to-heart talk with the debtor and final readjustment of difficulties. A heated debate as an over-zealous follower of Joseph Smith endeavored to force the doctrine of Mormonism upon the worker. A confidential parley with an intel ligent. Hebrew who had a private scheme for the amelioration of all human ills, ending with a request from him for a Bible, so he might investigate God’s eternal program through the Eternal Son. A spiritualist twisted and tangled, laboring under strong delusion—no mighty work accomplished because of unbelief. A moral leper perfectly willing to make a profession of Christianity for the “unrighteous Mammon.” Two young and impressionable “buddies” open and ready to receive the Word in their hearts. A burdened old man seeking fellow ship in prayer over a .defeated life. A backslider full of his own ways weeping his way to the old rugged’ cross. A babe in Christ bewildered as he recognizes the activities of the carnal mind—-seeking help. The abrupt departure Of one who had been housed, “flopped,” scrubbed, clothed, fed and jobbed, without wait-.
the opportunity and need is so great they wish they had support enough to give their whole time to the work of spreading the Gospel, and the people whom they visit ask them to come oftener. The people themselves would gladly help, hut they are so poor, their; wages so very low and living so high, that they are unable to give much. Friends, will we deny the light to these benighted souls? God forbid. These men write us of towns and cities and villages innumerable where never a messenger of God!s Word has enter ed. Mexico has an approximate popu lation of sixteen million souls, includ ing the different Indian tribes whose dialect has not been reduced to writ ing. What are we going to do about it? These are our next door neigh bors. Friends, the vision grows upon us to start a training school in some good center in Mexico where we may train the native converts and send them out in bands, as in our Bible
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T H IS is th e c a v e r of th e T h irty -S e c o n d E d itio n of a b ra n d -n e w co m p le te m a n u a l of S u n d a y S ch o o l m e th o d s. B eh in d th is c o v e r y o u w ill find 72 p a g e s of re a l in fo rm a tio n fo r e v ery S u n d a y S ch o o l w o rk e r; T h e H am m o n d C a rd R e c o rd S y stem ; T h e B ible P ic tu re A tte n d a n c e R e c o rd s; o n e se ctio n d ev o ted ex clu siv ely to C ra d le R oll su p p lie s ; o n e se c tio n d ev o ted to C h ristm a s P ro g ra m s , C a rd s, G ifts a n d N o v elties; B ibles; T e sta m e n ts ; C h ild re n ’s B o o k s; W all M o tto es; C lass P in s; P ic tu re s ; R e co rd s a n d R e w ard s of all k in d s; to o n u m e ro u s to m en tio n . A p o sta l c a rd w ith y o u r n a m e o n o n e sid e a n d o u rs o n th e o th e r w ill b rin g y o u th is b o o k , fre e a n d p o stp a id . B o th y o u a n d y o u r S u n d ay S ch o o l w ill b e g re a tly b e n efited . W rite n ow , to TH E H A M M O N D P U B L I S H I N G D e p t. K . M ILW AUKEE , W ISCO N S IN CO.
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