King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


YOUR Children What Are They Studying at S U N D A Y - S C H O O L ?

ing to say good-bye, in contrast to the one tvho returned' after several years rejoicing in God his Saviour. The leave-taking of one lad who for over a month had been cared for as finally a good, steady job was secured in San Pedro—with the good seed sown in his heart. Another orphan lad three days and nights in a weary tramp for work, provided with “eats,” clothes, bed, and job all within four hours after coming discouraged into Biola Hall. The orphan lad returns to pledge loyalty and allegiance— the Word sown. Over four hundred personal inter­ views during month, on the one ,all important subject, “What must I do to be saved T/Ji’.-j:; Over titty professed conversions and restorations. Is Biola Hall a safe investment for your time, testimony, prayers, and support? Then come over and help us. I \ Jfe iifc SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claude H . P earson, Supt.— O ur W orkers b oard all vessels m th e p o rt of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services' an d D istrib u tin g L iteratu re. “B less th e Lord, O m y soul: an d all th a t is w ithin me, bless his holy nam e'' (P sa. 103:1). awaiting us are more Japanese, Brit­ ish, Norwegian, American and other nationalities. Two English and one! American war vessel are there for us if we only had the time and help to reach them. Is it any wonder that we are happy? This being the Thanksgiving num­ ber we are thankful for our Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who has witnessed to us in the person of the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We are thankful that He ever called us out o f darkness into His marvel­ ous light. ; We are thankful for the Bible Insti­ tute and its many activities. We are thankful for the friends in all lands who contribute of their means to assist in the work. We are thankful for not only those who give but those who pray that we may be blessed as we witness for the Master. We are thankful for the access we now have, after much prayer and labor, to the different docks and ves­ sels. ä s ä s THE KING’S BUSINESS HELPS HER AND HELPS HER NEIGHBORS “The King’s Business is a wonder­ ful ‘Family magazine.’ It helps us and helps others around us also. I do love to read it. It is all so good. I have to hurry now every morning to get my work done so that I can get my Bible and my King’s Business and read and study them. I want to be enrolled as a ‘Defender of the Faith’ and am thankful to have the privilege of working for the Lord.” (Mrs. A. J. L., Los Angeles). ODAY it Etas been our priv­ ilege. to visit one Japanese and one Italian vessel j thus witnessing to both European and Oriental. At the docks

Are they learning that the Bible is the W ord of G od, and a trustw orthy guide to eternal life? Are they being taught that Jesus Christ is the Son of G od, and the Saviour of the W orld? O r are their minds being filled w ith ' the doubts and denials of Evolution and M odern­ ism? You teachers and par­

ents ought to. know. Our Sunday School publica­ tions, w ritten for all de­ nom inations, are true to the W ord of God. The “Full Gospel” Line of International Lessons TEACHERS’ QUARTERLY A n absolutely new publication, prepared w ith 'no ex­ pense spared to m ake it the very best handbook for Sunday School teachers available. There are five dis­ tinct departm ents. YOUNG PEO PLE'S QUART ERLY F or use in Young People’s Societies and Bible Study classes. Topics are selected, and expositions furnished to cover every phase o f Christian experience. SENIOR QUARTERLY Special features are: Lesson Subject, Lesson T ext, Lesson in B rief, Lesson Outline, Lesson Exposition, Lesson Questions, H om e Readings, Practical Points. INTERMEDIATE QUARTERLY M eets the needs o f young people between the ages of 14-17. A sim ple, instructive publication, w ith special features and an attractive cover. JUN IOR QUARTERLY F ills the needs of young people between the ages of ten and fourteen. Its special features are: Scripture Reading, M em ory Passage, Questions, T he Lesson Story, Illustrations and an Introduction. HOME DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY A ll the features of the Senior Full Gospel Quarterly , adapted for hom e use. TH E ALLIANCE WEEKLY #F or ad ult classes, The Alliance Weekly is an excep­ tionally fine Sunday School paper. In addition to a Lesson Exposition in each issue, there is an abundance of B ible study m aterial, sermons and missionary articles. TH E YOUTH 'S COUNSELLOR G ives young people a grasp of the essential truths of the B ible in such a w ay as to prov e both interesting and entertaining. Clean, spiritual stories; live mis­ sionary news; helpful Sunday School notes, and in ­ structive B ible studies. JUN IO R BOYS AND G IRLS A lively, interesting paper for boys and girls between the ages o f ten and fourteen. Bristles w ith Bible stories, incidents and applications. Illustrated. JO Y BELLS D elights the little prim ary people. T h e pictures and sim ple stories are fine. Issued.w eekly. W rite for Free Samples and Price Lists of Sunday School Supplies S e n d fo r O ur Catalog The C h ristian Alliance Publishing Company Books B ibles T rac ts M ottoes S u n d ay School Supplies 260 W est 44th S tre e t NEW YORK, N. Y. Please M ention This Periodical. Sam ple box of 15 a sso rted C ards fo r 60c. R e­ tail V alue $1.00. 25 box lo ts 40c each. Nets, you $15.00 profit. O rder now. A ddress D ept. A KING CARD COMPANY Philadelphia, P a. n 5 c h u r c h f u r n i t u r e Everything fo r Church and Sunday School use. From Factory to You. Finecatalogfree. Jjjj] DeMoulin Bros. 8C Co. Bn] 1151 South 4th St., Greenville, Illinois u ’ j P ictu re Lesson Cards P ictu re Lesson Rolls Lesson Leaflets M ake M oney Selling Christmas Greeting Cards

Any Individual or S. S. Organi­ zation can Earn Money ^ easil V^ By selling th e m o st p o p u lar CHRISTMAS goods on th e m arket. P o s t C ards and E nvelope G reetings w ith m essages w hich m eet the needs of C h ristian p e o p l e . A C heery M essage fo r Every D ay, a n d a Special M essage for Special D ays. No Investm ent— E xcellent P rofit— Goods sell on sig h t. Send fo r C atalog an d P a r­ ticu lars. A lso, S. S. T eachers' H elps, A ttendance B uilders, M em ory W ork, etc., S. S. Sup­ plem ent on R equest. MRS. L. F. PEASE 260 L aurel S t. D ept. K. Buffalo, N. Y. Four Vital Messages By James H. McConkey "TH E GOD PLANNED LIFE " ' "CHASTENING” “TH E SURE SH EPH ERD " “GUIDANCE” All sen t A bsolutely Free on request. A ddress SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY D ept. M, Bessem er. Bldg., P ittsb u rg h , P a. Scripture Texts Christmas Cards and Folders C arefully selected te x ts b reath in g the C h rist­ m as S pirit. E xquisite coloring an d designs. Sets of ten (10) w ith envelopes 50 cents. A lso a full line of S crip tu re T exts. M ottos. C ircular upon request. HENRY TROGLER 169 M elrose St., , - B rooklyn, N. Y.

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