King's Business - 1925-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1925

has the most complete set of Helps to be found anywhere. The new Holman Bold-black type Bible, both reference and teachers’ editions, is the latest Bible to be issued by any publisher. The Helps, consist­ ing of an Inclusive Dictionary-Con­ cordance with one hundred Illustra­ tions in the text, are entirely new. The publishers believe that this par­ ticular edition will have the largest sale of all black-type Bibles now on the market. They state that ninety- five per cent of the booksellers who have seen advance sheets have placed orders. The same care that is taken with the Bible applies also to the Holman Testaments. The two latest Testa­ ments on the market are Holman prod­ ucts, and as the editor of a prominent religious weekly stated in a review: “The Holman Testaments command attention and approval.” The “Irish Church Missions,” which are responsible for many branches of Gospel work in the Emerald Isle (Open Air, Colportage, Medical Mis^ sion, Pairs and Markets, Lantern .Mis­ sions, Schools- and Homes, Scripture Readers and .Irish Society), are send­ ing (D. Y .) a deputation to Canada and America, to enlist fresh prayer and sympathy, so that the work may be extended in these days of increas­ ing opportunity in the Irish Mission Field. The ■deputation will consist of Dr. Long, Founder of the Limerick Med­ ical Mission, Lt. Colonel H. Moore, C. M. G., an Irish ex-Romanist with a remarkable story, Mr. T. P. O’Connor, a young worker who was once a Rom­ anist and in De Valera’s Army, and the Rev. R. Mercer-Wilson, M. A., Sec­ retary of the Missions. They will be very glad of opportunities for preach­ ing, speaking or lecturing in any Evangelical Churches Or Mission Halls, or Institutes, so that they may tell of the triumphs of the Gospel in the Emerald Isle. They hope to reach Halifax (D. V .) early in October and to travel across Canada to Vancouver, thence southwards to. Lös Angeles and haek across the States to Chicago, New York, etc., returning to Ireland in December. ... This is a special year of Papal Jubi­ lee; which is likely to be prolonged to 1926. May it yet become a time of Gospel rejoicing in the Irish Free. State through many men and women, who are now disappointed with Romanism, finding in the crucified and risen Saviour, the, secret of moral vic­ tory and spiritual freedom. God save Ireland. Communications may be addressed to the Rev. R. Mercer-Wilson, ci/o Archdeacon Armitage, St. Paul’s Church, Halifax, N. S., and should ar­ rive there as early as possible. IRISH MISSIONARY DEPUTATION TO CANADA AND U.S.A.

TheNewSPENCER HimSlide Library Sende and Projector

J E W S A copy of “The Baffled R abbi.” T he g re a t­ e st co u rt room w itness fo r o u r L ord Jesu s C h rist in m any years. Sent FR EE to C hris­ tian s in terested in th e evangelization of th e Jew s. Christian Witness to Israel 521 W est 179th St., - - New Y ork C ity

Adds Rev. Samuel

D. Price

to Your Teaching Staff



All Charges Prepaid Subject to Examination

The New Spencer illu stra te d Sunday School Service personally a rran g ed by Rev. Sam uel D. P rice of the W orld’s Sun­ day School A ssociation is a developm ent of m ajo r in te re st to Sunday School teach ers everyw here. A rran g ed in th e o rd er of th e q u arterly schedule on com pact, safe, unbreakable rolls of film slides, it illu stra te s th e Sun­ day Scfiool lessons a t one te n th th e co st of glass slides. Send fo r th e details of th is helpful new service an d the p ro jecto r th a t m akes it possible. SPENCER LENS CO. 442 N iag ara S t. Buffalo, N. Y. Please send m e th e details' of y o u r new film slide service a n d th e m achine th a t m akes it possible. \A7HEN selecting your church music for the coming season we recommend TheChoirmastersGuide By HAROLD W. THOMPSON HELEN A. DICKINSON and CLARENCE DICKINSON P rice, $ 2 .0 0 For every Season and Subject Special Xmas Quarterly now ready The H. W. GRAY COMPANY 159 East 48th Street, New York S O L V E D Brass-Lined Knife—Two Steel- Blades:—Transparent “Indestructible” Handles G I F T P R O B L E M N am e.......... ..:. lii ¿. ..... .... Address.-._...i.. T own........_________________....... ............... .

Easiest Reading Bible


The Bible has never been published in any form in which the reading of it has been made so attractive to both old and young as in the “INTERNA- TlONAL”


B y an en tirely new plan, a thread of red ink, running from G en esis to R e v e la ­ tion, binds in. one h a r m o n io u s w h o le each lead in g topic. A ll the precious truths w h ich lie hidd en u n ­ d er the m ass of un­ con n ected m atter and escap e the m ere read­ er are brought to ligh t and tied together. Lyman

the pop- in B ib le ranged on Thousand


John W anam aken Interna-; tion al C h ristian W o rk ers’ B ib le is an ad van ce on an yth in g hith- attem p ted in m akin g the usab le. Abbott: V a lu a b le to C hris- w orkers in th eir en d eavor to get tea ch in g o f the B ib le d irectly and im m ed iately, and not throu gh the m edium of com m entaries.

BOUND IN GENUINE LEATHER, d ivin ity circuit, w ith o verlap p in g covers (like illustration), round co m ers, gold ed ges, red underneath. S ize of p age S%x 8 % inches, b eau tifu lly p rin ted in extra large clear type on ex tra fine p ap er; also contains Lat­ est T eachers' H elps to Bible Study. C p rriA l T he Christian W orkers' Bible will be OrCLIAL SENT FREE for exam ination, ALL OFFER CHARGES PREPAID. If it 1 v i l lu not please you, return it a t oury expense. If it does please you, rem it s p e y cial price. Published a t $7.50, but fc a limited tim e we offer this handsom-^ est, m ost usable Bible a t th e SPEUj CIAL PRICE O F ONLY $4.90.^ Send no m oney bu t fill in i ril coupon.


Remember now thy Crea­ tor in the days of thy youth.—Keel. 12.1.

Actual Size 3% x % x % inches C I F T S for Sunday School, Christmas, ^ Ladies* Sewing Basket« Birthday, etc. Any shprt verse_Name on other side. Bach $1.50. Three to nine knives each $1.25; Doz. $12:00. Allow three weeks, for manufacture. UNION BIBLE SEMINARY WESTFIELD, IND.

THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., PHILADELPHIA. PA. Largest American Bible Pub- Usher»

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