King's Business - 1925-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1925

THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, THE LAND, AND THE BOOK Notes concerning the Jews and Prophecy

JEWISH NATIONAL MUSEUM The Jewish National Museum, “Be- zalel,” was officially opened recently by Mr. Nahum Sokolow, who paid a tribute to the work of Professor Boris Shatz. The Museum is located in Jeru­ salem, and contains eighteen rooms with about six thousand examples of ancient and modern art.— S. S. Times. BEQUEST FOB HEBREW UNIVERSITY £ 1 0 , 0 0 0 for the purpose of estab­ lishing a scholarship in the Hebrew University in Palestine was left by Jacob Cohen who died at Southport, England. This is the first scholarship to be endowed in the Hebrew Uni­ versity.—American Hebrew. PALESTINE RETURNS TO ANCIENT COINAGE

and Arabic words— e. g., the pound is to be called a “dinar,” a word in the vocabulary of b.oth races. A few hun­ dred years hence learned commenta­ tors will note with amazement the gen­ erosity of the Good Samaritan not only to the poor traveler but also to the innkeeper. For the 'two pence with which he paid the latter is in the Greek two dinars. Similarly the ex­ treme greed of the laborers of Matt. 20 will be noted with horror. They were given one dinar for a day’s work, and when they were paid objected to a paltry pound!— The Christian (Lon­ don). JEWISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION IN PALESTINE The Palestine and Near East Exhi­ bition and Fair will be held in Tel Aviv, October 4 to November 7, 1925, thus demonstrating the possibility of Palestine’s becoming the industrial center of the Near East. Besides the Palestine industries, there will be a number of exhibitors from Egypt and Syria.—News Item. ANCIENT WALL STILL STANDS “The Wall of the .‘City of David,’ recently excavated in Jerusalem is the finest and strongest wall that has as yet been found in Palestine. Had our expedition discovered only this wall, it would have justified the work and expense entailed,” Professor McAllis­ ter, director of the excavations in Pal­ estine, declares in an article in the London Daily Telegraph, recounting the results of the archaeological expe­ dition. PALESTINE FOUNDATION FUND The annual report of the Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren Hayesod) submitted to the Washington Conven­ tion shows that the total receipts for the fiscal year, ending with June, run up to $1,800,000. The receipts of this Fund for the whole period of its exis­ tence, since March,; 1921, have been about $7,500,000. This money is used for establishing new colonies in the Holy Land. Louis Lipsky was re-elected chair­ man of the Executive Committee. Dr Stephen S. Wise was chosen a delegate to the Zionist Congress in Vienna.— Exchange. THE LAND THAT WAS DESOLATE One can no longer speak of Pales­ tine in language that might have been appropriate ten years ago. If you pick up a book written about that time you will find the Holy Land described as “desolate,” “barren,” etc. But this portrayal is no longer true. Palestine is no longer desolate; the deserts are becoming fields, the wastes fertile and the barren portions fruitful. In the last few years millions of trees have been planted; eighty-one Jewish col­ onies are flourishing; many factories have been built; colleges and schools are found everywhere. Tel-Aviv is a good example of what is being doue all over the country. In

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Palestine is to have a currency of its own, instead of using the Egyptian coins. This, like so many other things, is likely to cause jealousy between the Jews and the Arabs, for the coins are to have Palestine names. If Jewish names are selected, the Arabs will be jealous, and vice versa. As far as possible names are to be chosen which bear some resemblance to both Jewish Good Stories Guide L ife’s S teps

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