King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


1908 the place where Tel-Aviv now stands was a barren sand hill. In 1912 two large buildings were put up arid about 2 0 0 souls lived there. Today, Tel-Aviv is a garden city with thousands of houses equal to the best in any modern American city. Thirty thousand ■people live in Tel-Aviv to­ day. It is a 100 per cent Jewish city, and no other language is heard but Hebrew. For one to believe in Israel’s res­ toration today, faith is unnecessary. All that is needed is good eye-sight.— The Jewish Era. CAN JUDAISM HOLD THE JEWISH YOUTH? This question has long stirred many thinking Jews in this country. The conditions are so different from those obtaining in the Old World, and the spirit that rules the Jewish youth in America is so strongly against the old traditions of Jewish life, that a new problem faCes the leaders in Judaism that seems almost insoluble. Parents and teachers among the Jews desire with great longing to hold the children in the ranks of true Judaism. Can it be done? In an article in the Jewish Tribune for July 3, Dr. S. Benderly, Director of the Bureau of Jewish Education, New York City, declares:: “During recent years we have begun to realize that the Jewish youth is drifting away from Jewish life. Fear is seizing us lest, when we go, the younger generation will neither be prepared nor willing to assume the responsibilities at pres­ ent borne by us Jews.” Dr. Benderly further states that of half a million Jewish boys and girls in this country between the ages of thirteen and twenty, 90 percent, or 450,000 “are entirely out of touch with things Jewish.” These boys and girls, he says, are also out of the syna­ gogue. “In other words, each year they become of age, the Jewish com­ munity receives a large number of Jewish young men and women who have no knowledge of Judaism, who have no attachment whatsoever to the synagogue, and who are totally ignor­ ant of and have no sympathy with any of the Jewish problems confronting us of the older generation,” says Dr. Benderly.— Exchange. Ori page 450 of the October issue appeared a description of the “Mary- Martha” Home for Girls, carried on by one of the B.I.O.L.A. graduates, Miss Celestia Churchill. Inadvertently, no address was given, and in answer to inquiries regarding this, we are giving same herewith. The home is located at 163 N. Chicago Street, Los Angeles, California. I ¡¡M Why Not Set Aside $5.00 or $10.00 of your Gift Budget and send THE KING’S BUSINESS to Your Friends? LOCATION OF MARY-MARTHA HOME

Should be Saved or Were Saved?

M any devout C hristians could never quite g rasp th a t passage in A cts 2:47 w hich in form er versions of S crip tu re read s:

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Nelson Bibles in all sizes, types and styles of binding are ob­ tainable wherever Bibles are sold.

F R E E B O O K L E T A charming 36-page booklet entitled "The Wonderful Story," published at 10c per copy, telling how the Bible came down through the ages, and con­ taining many facts of vital interest, will be sent FREE on request to any­ one mentioning The King's Business.

Thomas Nelson & Sons, 385-D 4th Ave., New York City Authorized Publishers for the American Revision Committee Dear Sirs: Please send me FREE copy of your book entitled "The Wonderful Story." This does not obligate me in any way. Name......................... I... i .......................................................................... Street........................ .................................................. ......................... City......................................................... \ .......................State...................

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Pastor.....................................Society Reference..............................................

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