King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


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M r . E. M . P o w e l l

J \ . ^ E t f g a l g a g m a n ^E a tf r l a ^R a s t iTV MODEST, manly man of God, Mr. E. M. Powell, of Dallas, Texas, has finished his earthly pilgrimage and his spirit has gone to be with his Lord whom he so devotedly loved and V_ served . ..It was the privilege of the writer to be closely associated with him for six years— three as his pastor and later in Y. M. C. A. work . . . <]JMr. Powell was a model Christian man. He had the Word of God in his hand and in his heart . . . He had a heart for Christian work and workers, and in an unassuming and unobtrusive way, graciously aided many causes . . . The im- press of his life and service has been left upon the hearts and lives of hundreds of people, and he was welcomed into the glory by many who preceded him who had learned to love him .'. . The good woman who walked beside him for so many years in life’s pathway will have the loving sym' pathy and prayers of a host of friends throughout this land and on the mission fields . . Our prayer to our Heavenly Father is: ‘‘Multiply his kind and hasten Thy coming.”

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