November 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
BEST BOOKS (Continued from page 488)
Successful Service and the Coopera tion of God, by J. F. Clark, and by the same author, Consecration and the “F illing of the Spirit.” Two very help ful little booklets on these important 'subjects. Each $ 6 net. (Pickering & Inglis) The Identity of Christ, by Rev. Hiram King, D. D. An argument for the Deity of Christ along the ascend ing s e a l e,- pre-existence, creative agency, universal sovereignty, Divine Sonship and equality with God. (Pub. Co. of Reformed Church, Philadel phia) The Challenge from the Skies, by R. R. Menke, Huntington Park, Califor nia. A booklet on the Bible’s Astro nomical Chronology. A review of the wonderful manifestation of God’s wis dom in verifying Bible dates by the unalterable accuracy of planetary mo tion. 25c The Doctrines of Modernism, by Leander S. Keyser, A. M., D. D., of Hamma Divinity School, Springfield, O. To announce a book by Dr. Keyser is to commend it. Here is a volume accessible to all. The Modernists whose doctrines are dealt with by Dr. Keyser are Harry Emerson Fosdick, James Moffat, Shailer Matthews, Charles Brown, Henry Yan Dyke and the Editor of The Christian Century. Let every defender of the faith buy and read this book. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) 40c THE MASTER ARTIST My Father paints the sunsets In colors pink and blue, With lavender and orange, And every matchless hue. He tints the flower petals And gives them sweet perfume, He brightens this earth’s grayness "With rare and radiant bloom. He is a wondrous artist:; No copyist is He. He limns the distant landscape And yet—He cares for me! And on that happy morning When His glory I’ll behold, I’ll join the song of ages-—■ “The half has not been told.” Why? The answer will be found under the caption “Chinese Student Fund” in The Children’s Garden, page 485. Read it and see what splendid givers to the Lord’s work these little people are,— already supporting four students in the Bible School in Hunan Province, and well on the way towards having enough for the fifth. Truly “A little child shall lead them,” and where these “Gardeners” lead, the older members of The K. B. Family may well follow. Marion Abell. THREE CHEERS FOR THE “GARDENERS” !
A stau n ch and scholarly defender of a BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY. A nsw ers th e critics of th e Bible in a sane, sim ple, y e t scholarly style. E very y outh, every college stu d en t and all wffio have tro u b le w ith the so-called Bible “difficulties" SHOULD BUY AND READ TH IS GREAT BOOK AT ONCE. L arge volum e. Sent su b ject to re tu rn a n d your m oney back if n o t pleased. Price only $2.50 postpaid. S B W. P. BLESSING COMPANY 2 0 8 S. W abash A ve., D ept. K. B. No. 4, C hicago, HI.
-150 Varied Subjects and Sizes fo r- THANKSGIVING : : : CHRISTMAS The Holy Communion and Other Occasions ———120 Are Reproductions of Religious M asterpieces.......... A booklet of proofs on request G00DEN0UGH & WOGLOM CO. Church and Sunday . . t , l7 « ki v r - r School Specialties 1 4 -lp V esey S t., N .Y . C ity
No. 168, as above, $1.25 No. 153—Size 25/» x 3% inches. Price $1.70 For two color printing order "T ” . Price $3.f0
What Others Are Doing Hundreds, yes thousands, of pastors have learned that there is nothing so success ful for creating and sustain ing interest in church work as a Parish Paper. A Par ish Paper is . an assistant pastor— an assistant t h a t visits, talks, enthuses, in forms. A Parish Paper gives strength and power to meet Indifference. Meet Indifference Now Your church can have a parish paper without cost to you or your church if you follow our plan. Just clip this coupon and mail it now. We will send you sam ples and particulars without obligating you in any way.
T HE THIEF in your church is indiff erence. Indifference steals your congregation while you sleep— yes and often while you think you are wide awake. Indifference employs e v e r y modern method to entice your members. He uses the park, playground, resort, automobile, movie, theatre, the gun and the rod—•
everything imaginable to steal the people from your church. You must take advantage of modern church methods and over come this great giant Indifference. Indifference is y o u r biggest competitor. The only way to meet competition you must find some means of creating and holding the i n t e r e s t of members and friends of your church.
TH E NATIONAL RELIGIOUS PRESS, G rand R apids, Mich. Send m e full p a rtic u la rs an d sam ples of y o u r P arish Paper, w ith o u t obligating m e in an y way.
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