King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


the pastor said was an interpretative dance. Then every one was invited to go to the basement and see the boxing. The old miner burned to a man next to him and said, “Book here, neighbor, is this a church that I’ve got into, or a honkatonk theatre” ? — T. T. Holloway, Messenger’s Scripture H f i M C A L E N D A R a n d neu) lin e o f SACRED WALL O T T O S "“ I V * * M a k e M o n e y fo r Y o u r C h u rch A ny live organization in yourChurch can quickly and easily raise from $50 to $500 selling Messen­ g er's 1926 Scripture T ex t Calendars and Sacred Wall M ottos. C hurches th e country over have fo r years been w riting pledges and raising funds fo r various uses by selling th e beautiful T ext C alendars. Now w e have added an entirely new line of 29 handsom e A rt V elvet Sacred Wall M ottos which readily sell in virtually every C hristian Home. Ministers, church societies and classes everywhere en- dorseandpraiseour successful plans asdignifiedmethods of raising: money for the Church. W rite y o u r ow n publishing house today for plans and prices on Messenger’s 1926 Scripture Text Calendars and Sacred Wall Mottos. MESSENGER PUBLISH ING CO. 5932-44 W en tw o rth Ave. Chicago, Illinois AM WITH YOU ALWAY HBHpSB j 9 10 11 12 13 I

POINTERS FOR PREACHERS AND TEACHERS (C o n tin u ed from page 4 8 0 )


5. Because we are the epistle of Christ, we are to be legible in Chris­ tian character (2 Cor. 3:3). 6 . Because we are sanctified, we are to be separate from all uncleanness (1 Cor. 6:9-12). 7. Because we are members in the body of Christ, we are to hold the Head and love one another (Eph. 4: 12-16).— Dr. F. E. Marsh. An old miner, after many years in the mountains, visited the city. One evening he, saw a church lighted up and concluded to drop in, as he had been, in his early days, a church going man. He found quite a crowd, although it was not Sunday. He lis­ tened to some jazz music, and then the pastor made a speech, with a number of stories, some decidedly risque. Then the pastor announced, that after the next number on the program, they would a ir adjourn to the base­ ment, where there would be a few boxing bouts, in which the pastor him­ self would take part, and ! that the celebrated Teddy McSwatt, ex-middle- weight champion, would act as referee. After this announcement five or six young ladies, thinly clad, gave what 'È à CHU RCH O R T H E A T R E ?

His name. Psa. 72:17-19. His throne. Heb. 1:8. His power. Heb. 7:25. (Margin.) His priesthood. Heb. 7:24. His love. John 13; 1. His presence. Matt. 28:20. His faithfulness. 2 Tim. 2:13. His word. 1 Pet. 1:25. His character. Heb. 13:8. Our inheritance. 1 Pet. 1:4. Our sonship. Gal. 4:7. Our life. John 6:51. Our consolation. 2 Thess. 2:16. Our kingdom. Rev. 22:5. Our king. 2 Tim. 1:17. The devil’s torment. Rev. 19:11. Their torment. Rev. 20:10. Their blackness and darkness. Jude 1.3. The wrath of God. John 3:36. — Preachers’ Magazine. GOD ’S PRO G RAM F O R T H E J E W ■God is not done with'the Jew (Rom. = 11 : 1 , 2 ). A Redeemer is coming (Rom. 11: 26). God will change their hearts (Jer. 31:31-34). He will restore them to their land (Isa. 11:11; Ezek. 36:24-28). , David (Messiah) shall be their king (Isa. 9:6, 7). Jerusalem shall be lifted up, an in­ ternational capital (Isa. 2:2-4; Zech. 1 4 :4 ,’16).' The land shall be exuberant (Amos 9:11-15). Animate nature will be in truce with them (Isa. 11:6, 9). All this will be forever (Jer. 31:35- 40). When shall this restoration take place? (Rom. 11:25; Acts 3:20, 21). These things are certain to come to pass (Rom. 11:29). This is God’s plan for Israel, and then through Israel salvation for the nations (Gentiles)' (Acts 15:16-18). Is it not wonderful? (Rom. 11:33- 36). B E W H A T YOU A R E A great anatomist has said: “One of the greatest reasons why so few people understand themselves is that most writers are always teaching men what they should be and hardly ever trouble their heads with telling them what they are.” The same principle might he ap­ plied to believers. We are not told to become in order that we may be, but we are exhorted to be because we are. 1. Because we are children of God, we are to be holy and obedient (1 Pet. 1:14). 2. Because we are saints, we are to do everything “as becometh saints” (Eph. 5:3). 3. Because we are the salt of the earth, we are to be pungent in godli­ ness (Matt. 5:13). 4. Because we are the light of the world, we are to shine in holiness (Matt. 5:14).

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