King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


USED IN OVER ONE MILLION CHRISTIAN HOMES HURLBUTS 5T0RY ofthe BIBLE BY JESSE LYMAN HURLBUT, D.D. FOR TEACHERS—STUDENTS—FOR THE HOME AND SCHOOL One hundred and sixty-eight stories each complete in itself, yet fonning a continuous narrative of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Tne world old stories rendered vitally interesting by the noted author’s fresh and realistic treatment. The Biggest and Best Illustrated Book foi1the Price. Octavop 757 pages, 16 color plates, 250 Illustrations. PRICE $2.00 On sale at all Booksellers, Representatives Wanted, THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Book and Bible Publishers, 299Winston Bldg., Philadelphia Buy Your Books from Blessing He will save you from I /3 to Jz-j in price and give you the kind of service you will like. Send Today for My Free Bargain Catalog Here are a few of my wonderful book bargains—all worth while books—every one new and perfect arid guaranteed satisfactory. FREE: I’ll send you a book worth $1.00 FREE on every order amounting to $5.00 from this list. Try a $5.00 or more order and let me convince you of the greatest values you have ever known. All sent postpaid. Recommended by all denominations for Its freshness and accuracy, for its simplicity of language, for Its freedom from doctrinal discussion. A COMPANION VOLUME TO TH E B IBLE

of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves: “And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped: they shall not be gath­ ered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.” A Jew in Baltimore, missing his daughter on his return home from the synagogue, and being told by her mother that she was in the attic, went up to see her and found her with nothing but bread and water to eat, and learned from her that her mother had put her there because she had become a Christian. When she fin­ ished her story, he threw his arms about her and said, “My daughter, my daughter, you are a rebuke to your father; for I have been a Christian for a whole year and have not confessed it for fear that I would suffer, while you are bearing persecution for His sake.” Bible Illustrations Conversion of Saul of Tarsus (9th ch. of Acts) a type of the future con-1: version of Israel which he, as a chief Jew, had anticipated. Zaccheus (Luke 9:1-10). The evi­ dence for the Messiahship of Jesus was altogether sufficient to convince the Jews of His day. All of the first believers were Jews. There is a great future for the Jew, but its fulfillment cannot come until the return of the Messiah. We Chris­ tians believe that He has already come. A helpful Bible Reading on “God’s Program for the Jew” will be found on page 503 under “Pointers for Preachers and Teachers.” : (The suggestions given above are taken from a Correspondence Course on “Personal and Practical Christian Work,” by T. C. Horton, one of the many courses offered by the Corres­ pondence School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Further information concerning these courses will be cheer­ fully given by the Secretary, Keith L. Brooks, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.) •a»:"- sbks S k É k ABUNDANT ENTRANCE You see yonder ship. After a long voyage it has neared the haven, but it is much injured; the sails are rent to ribbons, and it is in such a forlorn condition that it cannot come up to the harbor. A steam tug is pulling it in with the greatest possible difficulty. That is like the righteous being “scarcely saved.” But do you see that other ship? It has made a prosperous voyage; and now, laden to the water’s edge, with the sails all up and with the white canvas filled with the wind, it rides into the harbor joyously and nobly. That is an “abundant entrance.” And if you and I, helped by God’s Spirit to add to our faith, virtue; and to our virtue, knowledge; and so on, we shall have at last an “abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”— C. H. Spurgeon.

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