King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE (Continued from page 492)


In Corinth I., we read of Love— The Love so pure, and from above. In Corinth II., the note resounds, The grace of God for each abounds. Galatian.saints were wanting sore, When they would add to Grace’s score. Ephesians is a wondrous Book: You’ll find all riches if you look. Colossians tells us “Christ-is all.” If we have Him we cannot fall. Philippians sounds with joy’s accord: We find the joy is in the Lord. In Thessalonians I., we hear That Christ will come, and soon be here. In Thessalonians II., we see The Man of Sin that is to be. I. Timothy— apostle’s charge. To Gospel’s word and duties large. II. Timothy to us unfolds The works of God in all its molds. In Titus; we have much to learn; Of grace and glory in their turn. Philemon is a story sweet, Where Paul, and slave, and master meet. in Hebrews, better things we find, And all in Christ the Priest divined. In James, we ponder faith that works; For Faith from duty never shirks. In Peter I., the Precious Blood Redeems from sin, and brings to God. In Peter II., to faith we add The virtue true which maketh glad. In John the First, in Christ we bide, And in the Love of God reside. In Letter II., the Truth, we’re told, Will keep us true with mighty hold. In John the Third, the apostle’s glad, And also speaks of one that’s sad. In Jude, we read of darkest night, And faith, and love, and glorious light. And last, in Revelation grand, We see the Lamb in glory stand. H I E. M. Ale. §fe ALL NEEDS MET Grace that never can be told, Flows for Jesus’ sake; No good thing does He withhold, Have we faith to take. Rise, my soul, begin to live Free to q,sk as He to give, A boundless store Waits the asking; Want no more. — John H. Sammis.

ANTHROPOLOGY—will be discussed by the well-known Bible Teacher, Author and Lecturer,—Dr, F. E. Marsh, of Lon­ don, England. The foremost question before the world—both scientific and religious— today, is that of Evolution, and no man is better fitted to write upon this particular phase of that subject than Dr. Marsh. Those who have enjoyed his splendid messages on “The Bible” during the past year will eagerly welcome the forth­ coming series. REMEMBER that The King's Business S. S. Quarterly car­ ries splendid helps on BOTH the INTERNATIONAL and WHOLE BIBLE SERIES, and that BOTH the QUARTERLY (regularly 75c per year), and MONTHLY (regularly $1.25 per year), may be secured for the special price of $1.25 per year if so specified. The Quarterly may be obtained separately, if desired, for 75c per year. DON’T FORGET that we are “COUNTING on Y O U” to help put The King’s Business on a self-supporting basis, by increasing the circulation— the ONLY Way in which it can be done. Read the editorial “Thè Best Business,” on page 469, look at the inside back cover, and then take this November copy of your magazine, and a copy of the “Oct.-Nov.-Dec.” S. S. Quarterly, with you the very next time you visit a friend who is not already a subscriber, calling their attention to the different departments,— the timely Editorials, the stimulating and strength­ ening Contributed Articles; the inspiring reports of God’s bless­ ing upon the Evangelistic Activities of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; the splendid Serial Story, “Fine Gold” by Josephine Hope Westervelt; the really helpful Helps for Preachers and Teachers, (Bible Outlines, Illustrations, etc) ; the “Defenders of thé Faith” page; the Outline Studies in the Epistles of John; the lovely little “Children’s Garden” (The King’s Business Junior Magazine) ; the Comments on the Christian Endeavor Topics, from a strictly evangelical arid evangelistic standpoint,— in fact a veritable storehouse of good things for every member of the family, amply justifying its claim to be THE BIBLE FAMILY MAGAZINE. Use the coupon on page 522 for sending in the new sub­ scriptions, (together with your own renewal, if due), following them with your prayers. TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 536-558 So. Hope St. . . . Los Angeles, Calif.

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