King's Business - 1925-11

November 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


=Give Books this Christmas= Biola Books Bless Have you read the volumes listed here? If you have, then you want copies for gifts— if you have not, rush an order. The World’s Greatest Need By T . E. H . Jones T his volum e tingles w ith sp iritu al fervour a n d stro n g sound comm on sense. It fascinates an d fills w ith reverent delight. E ach c h a p te r teem s w ith telling illustrations, and com pels you to read on to th e last w ord. T h ere is no t a dull page in it. T ells th e old, old sto ry of salvation th ro u g h faith in C hrist Jesus b u t tells it in an en tirely new w ay. T he q u estions dealt w ith a re of vital in te rest to every being. T h e ir tre a tm e n t is illum inating, en thralling, persuading. Ju st th e book you need to p u t in to th e hands of in tel­ lectual u n b eliev ers.. C loth, $2 .0 0 Jesus Is Coming The Patmos Vision By G eorge W . D avis

knowing how long it would last. Just why their atheistic landlord permitted, them to stay in their quarters, and in a way protected them, they never knew. Perhaps it was pity for their seeming defenselessness, perhaps it was out of real admiration of their bravery, or perchance a daring feat of his own. However, when they were in their own rooms they were able to enjoy quietness and a measure of security. • The next day after their witness of the feast, William, who had been up half of the night and longer, discussing the affair of the evening before, remained in bed, complain­ ing of great weariness and saying that a rest would set him right. He begged Randall to stay at home that day until things began to be more quiet. Randall, indeed, was plan­ ning to stay by his friend’s side, for he realized, if William did not, that his chum was ill as well as tired. Randall felt sure he was feverish, but not wishing to alarm his friend he said nothing. The landlord, Sr. Yirgilo, who was an educated Peruvian and a man who secretly repudiated the paganized Roman­ ism which held the mass of the Indians and most of the Peruvians in thrall, came in toward evening to pay his tenants a call. He told them with many protestations of regret that when that week was ended he would have to refuse them rental of the rooms longer, as the priests had made such alarming threats' to the Prefect that the latter commanded him to refuse to house them longer. Sr. Yirgilo, seeking to entertain the young men, related many incidents of the credulity of the Indians. One young woman desiring a husband and not having been able to obtain one, sought the assistance of the priest. He told her that for a sum equalling twenty-five dollars he would permit her to take home an image of San Antonio and keep him for a month, during which time she should constantly offer prayers and burn candles before him. This she did, but even though the priest was active in trying to persuade some unmarried man to take her for a wife, at the end of the month she had not obtained her request. She de­ manded her money hack, but of course did not receive it, and some weeks later when the bishop, wishing to make amends and knowing the folly of trying to get the priest to return the money that he had already spent, decreed that San Antonio should he publicly whipped. This was done, a straw whip being used, and amid the groanings and weep­ ings of a number of old women, he was given thirty lashes on his bare back. Needless to say, the plaster image was not hurt in the least. One other time San Antonio was pun­ ished by a woman who failed to obtain the request she desired of him, and this time the image was submerged in a vessel of water until he should repent. In the morning only the loosened particles of piaster lay in the bottom of the vessel. William and Randall were appalled at the thought of these thousands of people putting their trust,’ their hope of happiness, in plaster images which had to be punished to make them behave. Their hearts burned within them to go out and tell them of an omnipotent God who .hears and answers the prayers of His children, to tell them of a Sav­ iour who longs to save them from their sins; and now the way seemed to close between them and their desire. They decided ere they slept, that they would start on the trip to search out a place for a farm as soon as their week was up, but when morning came the trip was out of the question for some time to come. William was unquestionably sick with small-pox, that dread disease that lurks where filth and dirt abound. Sr. Virgilo with difficulty obtained permission for them to. remain in the city until William recovered, provided neither of the two men should seek to proselyte among the

T his is TH E te x t book on the su b ject of th e R etu rn of th e Lord. It teaches the im ­ m inent, prem illennial, p erso n ­ al, visible, bodily re tu rn of C hrist, and we believe th a t a fte r carefully reading th is book everyone will have to a d ­ m it th a t w h at th e Bible teaches on th is su b ject is absolutely tru e an d tru stw o rth y . All C h ristian s w ho desire the rig h t outlook on life, an d the rig h t incentive to soul-w i n n i n g should com e u n d er th e influ­ ence of th e teach in g of th is book. P ap er, 50c; C loth, 75c God’s Best Secrets

T his is th e b e st single v o l­ um e com m entary on th e book of R evelation in p rin t today. W e know th a t th a t is a big statem en t, b u t th e book will fully b ack up all th a t we say in its favor. It is an excep­ tio n ally well th o u g h t o u t book for these la s t days. T his book is n o t a book to be m erely read and laid aside— it is a book to be studied. If you a re te a ch ­ ing a class in p ro phecy you will find “T he P atm o s V ision” exceptionally helpful. P ap er, 75c; Cloth, $1.50

By A ndrew M urray If th e re ev er w as a m an since th e days of th e A postle P au l w ho has dw elt in th e secret place of th e Most H igh w h ere he could a n d did lea rn G od’s Best S ecrets, th a t m an w as A n d rew M urray. A n d h e is giving us eight of th ese best secrets in this book,— T he secret of A d o ra ­ tion, T he S ecret of th e A biding P resence, T he F a ith Life, T h e S ecret of Fellow ship, T h e S ecret of Inspiration, T h e S ecret of Intercession, an d T h e S ecret of U nited P ra y e r. W ritten in th e last days of his long an d useful life, this book b rings his very last w o rd to th e C hristian C h u rch . T h e book is m ade u p of eight sections, each co n tain in g th irty -o n e sh o rt c h ap ters. E ach c h a p te r has a S c rip tu re heading so th a t it is p a rtic u la rly helpful w hen used for daily m editation. C loth, $ 2 .0 0

In His Image

By W illiam Jen n in g s B ryan The v ery book to show you w hy the world, h as discussed M r. B ryan, an d to challenge you to a g reater love fo r the M aster w hom he loved and served so faithfully u p to th e la st d ay of his eventful life. W e can n o t comm end M r. B ryan’s book too highly. It a p p ears a t the opportune m om ent, w hen th e d a rk cloud of ag n o s­ ticism is han g in g over th e educational in stitu tio n s, o u r churches a n d o u r hom es. C loth $1.75

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B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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