November 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
. e d i t o r i a x
lives in defence of His Word and for love of Him, as did our fathers, and as did that Prince of Commoners, William Jennings Bryan? What is the message that comes to us as we approach another Thanksgiving Day? God has been good. Have we deserved His favor? What does the history of the Jews and the history of other nations, as recorded in God’s Word, suggest? Why did He so severely judge and condemn and, in some eases, utterly blot out nations? What does the prophetic Word intimate con
The President of our country has again called the attention of its citizens to the fact that there is a well- founded reason why we—as a nation—should express our gratitude to Almighty God for His great goodness to us, and—as is the custom—has designated a day for that purpose. We are glad that the custom has not been abandoned.
We need it. Anything and everything that will serve as a reminder to us, as. a people, of our dependence upon God, and of His gracious favor to us, has its influence in stimu lating a sense of gratitude to Him. By His grace we have been blessed above all the nations of the earth and this fact should awaken both young and old to face the question, WHY? Has it been because our country has manifested the greatest love and respect for Him? Has it been be cause we have honored His Word, upon which our na tion was founded, more than other people? . Is it because in this nation He is exalted as King of kings and Lord of lords? Is it because of our humility? our lack of boasting? our desire that all the glory for our achievements should be given to Him? Surely it is for none of these reasons, for to the
cerning this present genera tion? What do the present- day conditions portend? God is the same. Sin is the same. Judgment must be the same. Is it right for us to try to evade the well-ac cepted fact that the greater the knowledge of righteous law and of deserved punish ment, the' greater the com damnation when that law is violated ? What is the call of God to us, as a nation? What will we do with Thanksgiving Day? Will there be confes sion and forsaking of sin, and a resolution, by God’s grace, to mend our ways and with expressed grati tude for past ‘ mercies and favors, be loyal to His Word and seek to give it to other nations which have been denied the blessings which are burs? The Psalm of Praise, as given by Miss Copley, sug gests the solution of the pro blem. The ' call from the
Praise Ye the Lord! P s a l m 148 Praise ye the Lord, ye teeming earth; Ye deeps, break into holy mirth; Ye vapors, fire, and hail, and snow, And Stormy wind, His power show. Mountains and hills and. fruitful trees, And cedars, praise with all of these; All beasts and cattle, creeping things, And fowl that swiftly fly on wings. Young men and maidens, praise the Lord; Old men and children, praise accord; Let them all praise. God’s holy name, •; Let them His majesty proclaim. His name alone is excellent, Who hath us every blessing sent; His glory reaches far above The earth and heaven of His love.
—From “Peerless Poems of David the King” by Jane Copley.
great bulk of our people the Bible is an unknown Book, denied in.church and school, and ridiculed by many, so-called, scholarly preachers and teachers. The Sab bath Day is observed largely as a day for worldly amusements and pleasures. The prisons arè full of violators of the law, and are often emptied to make room for more convicted criminals. Modesty of dress in girls and women is almost an unknown quantity. Standards of society have been lowered to the lowest depths and real religion is a joke. Newspapers and magazines, to a large extent, are playing into the hands of the, Christ-denying and lawr defying multitude, and thus aiding in the multiplica tion of their numbers. WHY ? That is the question. Why the mercy and grace of God to us, as a people ? Is it, perhaps, because God has yet a remnant who believe that Word to which thè President reverently pressed his lips as he took the oath of office? Who believe in Jesus Christ as both Saviour and Lord and stand ready to lay down their
Heavens is to “ Praise the Lord!” Exalt Him! Mag- nify Him! Glorify Him! Pour out the soul in thanks giving. Let the poor, restless, sin-sick world know that there is One, and only One to whom all nations and all peoples should bow their heads and lift their voices in adoring praise. A PLEA TO THE PULPIT Every faithful student of present day conditions in the church and in the world is conscious of a manifest drift in church life from the rock bound coast upon which our fathers stood. The church has never been perfect and never will be until the Perfect One comes to perfect it by taking it away from the restless sea of a doomed earth and clothing it with the heavenly garments. But—Yhe church is the representative of the Lord Jesus Christ in this world. The-church belongs to Him; it is under
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