November 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Romanists^ Their word was given, for Randall knew well that his time would be taken up with nursing his loved friend. Day succeeded day, and to Randall Emmett the time seemed long, but in answer to prayer and by careful nursing, William was at last out of danger and on the road to recovery, and again the authorities began to pregs their removal from the city. They feared to allow the young men to remain longer as the priests, backed by the bishop, were again threatening bloody revolution. They were all prepared to set forth upon their journey the following morning, planning to go by easy stages on mule back until such time as William should regain his strength. Before they retired that night they received a bundle of letters from home. They more than half sus pected that the letters had been held until such time as the authorities were sure of the departure of the two men. William fingered through his bunch of letters, naming the probable senders as he recognized the handwriting of this friend and that one. The-next to the last one was a good thick one from dear old Uncle Jack, and he smiled affection ately as he lifted it. As he gazed on the superscription of the last envelope his eyes started, and then the blood left his face as he gave a short exclamation. Randall sprang at once to his feet and was at his side in a moment, fearing he knew not what. (To be continued) MUTE STRINGS SPEAK AGAIN Frantz Oumont, famous archaeologist, has brought back with him to France a harp which he found on the borders of the Euphrates River near the crumbling ruins of the ancient, city of Babylon. Turn to the Bible for a moment and read that overwhelmingly pathetic song, the 137th Psalm: “By the rivers of Babylon there we sat down; yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps on the willow trees in the midst thereof. How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?” Oumont’s harp is 3700 years old. Perhaps it is one of the Jewish instru ments brought to Babylon during their captivity. In the strange land its strings were mute, but what glorious music of oriental exoticism and religious fervor had not vibrated from its chords when it was still in the land of David, that immortal singer?r—Exchange. ¿Vs.
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MY CAPTAIN Out of the light that dazzles me, Bright as the sun from pole to pole, I thank the God I know to be, For Christ the conqueror of my soul. Since His the sway of circumstance I would not wince nor cry aloud. . Under that rule which men call chance My head with joy is humbly bowed. Beyond this place of sin and tears— That life with Him! and His the aid, Despite the menace of the years, Keeps, and shall keep me unafraid. I have no fear though strait the gate, He cleared from punishments the scroll; Christ is the Master of my fate, Christ is the Captain of my soul.
B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
—Dorothea Day.
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