November 1925
--------------------------- Biola Books Bless----------- :—-----------— Give Books This Christmas We Wish to Recommend these as Good and Helpful Books for Young People Well known books and newly issued books of standard value. All packed with healthy reading —some have pictures. At 50 A u to b io g rap h of a M ission a ry Box Boys of th e New T estam en t Ben an d K it B oyhood of Jesus Cents A L ittle C ard N arrow P athw ay O pening Buds
SATAN’S TRIANGLE (Continued from page 475)
teeth and horns. An example is that of the “Felidae,” which includes the various divisions of the cat family. The characteristic of this family is the arrangement for retract ing the claws. 'Next to the smallest division is the “genus.” This is a very artificial thing, and there is absolutely no way of determining between a “family” on the one hand and a “species” on the other. An example is that of the “cat genus” or “Felis,” which includes lions, tigers, wild cats, and domesticated cats. Some genera contain a hundred species, while others contain only one. They have no com mon characteristic other than being more like each other than they are like other animals. Species is the next smaller division in the table. Its meaning and use vary with each writer and oftentimes the same person uses the term in two or more ways. Such a question as that of “the origin of species” is, from defini tion alone, almost meaningless. The Evidence Space forbids a complete classification of plants or ani mals. Such classifications may be found in textbooks on biology and kindred subjects. The arguments for evolu tion from classification when carefully examined dwindles down to a mere assumption instead of an exact proof. To present this evidence to the reader, one of the clearest state ments from the pen of a modern evolutionist is from Schu- chert. “All organisms are related to one another, and this deter mined relationship can be readily visualized in a genealog ical tree wherein the degree of ancestral parentage is shown in the trunk, main branches, stems, and leaves. - - - The very fact that there are individuals of a kind that can be grouped into species and these into general classifica tions establishes the view of relationship. The' further fact that in many cases there are no distinct differences separating the species or even the genera is further proof of descent with change” (“A textbook of Geology,” pp. 422-23). To be able to imagine such a tree of life and to see any evidence in classification for evolution, one must possess an unusual “power of imagination.” We admit that a tree of life is interesting, but without a single legitimate connect ing link to establish it. We admit that it is not our task to break down the arguments of the evolutionist; it is his task to prove that evolution and not God explains the origin and course of life. This he has never proved. He “guesses” that evolution explains it. Implications of Evolutionary Classification At this point we wish to call the reader’s attention to the main divisions of a classification table of. animals and to see what evolution implies. The following table includes the phyla only, a typical representative, and the number of so-called species belonging to each. Number of Phyla Typical Representative Species 1. Protozoa— Paramecium ............................................. (8500). 2. Porifera-^-Sponge .......................................................(2500). 3. Coelenterata—Hydra...................................... (4200). 4. Ctenophora— Sea Walnut ......................-.................. (100). 5. . Platyhelminthes—Tapeworm ................................. (4600). 6 . Nemathelminthes— Roundworm ................... : (1500). 7. Echinodermata-—Starfish ........................~~ ..........(3000). 8 . Annelida— Earthworm .................. (4000). (Continued on page 515)
O n th e Look O ut P ilgrim s P rogress P riso n e r of H ap p y H ansel R ipened F ru it Rose R obin an d M ay R uth B ergens L im itation R ockabye Book Stories of School Days Stories from th e Life of Jesus T h ree T im es T h ree T h eir V acation W e Tw elve Girls W orld of L ittle People W ood C ottage Cents (T h e ) G irl W ho W alked W ith o u t F ear L ittle M erry Xm as (T h e ) M iracle on H erm on W hy th e ’Robins B reast Is Red Cents L ost a n d Found N obody Loves Me P o p p y ’s P resents P robable Sons P eep of D ay P re c ep t U pon P re c ep t
Boys In D ays of P fo p h ets Boys in P a tria rc h a l Hom es B unny’s Friends Buy Y our Ow n C herries C hild’s Life of C hrist C h arm of th e Impossible C hild’s S tory of th e Bible (A ) D ozen of T hem G limpses of Boyhood G limpsese of G irlhood G irls of th e Bible H e r M other’s Bible H e r M others Bible , A d v en tu rin g w ith S ister A bigail By th is Sign W e C o n q u er B ro th er L aw rence J. Cole (T h e ) C om rade In W hite A m ong th e R ed Indians A u d re y C hum s C hristies O ld O rgan F ries Good News (T h e ) F irst C hristm as Follow ing th e G lory Jessica’s M other Jessica’s F irst P ra y e r L ine U pon Line H e art of a Rose Jo y w ith W ork
At 60
At 75
S an n a’s P ra y e r T ed d y ’s B utton
(A ) T houghgtless Seven W ith P u and H is B rigand
Memoirs of Mighty Men A series of m issionary b iographies told in sim ple lan guage fo r boys an d girls. T hese life stories of th e g reat m issionary hero es can be used as te x t books in young folks classes an d as rew ard s and gifts. N othing of th e kind h as h ereto fo re been available. T h ey fill a real need an d will be w elcom ed b y m issionary study class leaders. T h e follow ing titles a re now ready: R obert Moffat John G. P ato n A lex an d er M ackay W illiam C arey Jo h n Bunyan D avid L ivingstone John W esley C harles H. Spurgeon Jo h n K nox G eorge W hitfield L u th e r M artin Jam es H an n in g to n B oard, 50c If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage.
B I O L A B O OK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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