November 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
SATAN’S TRIANGLE (Continued from page 514)
=Christmas Will Soon Be Here= Give Books This Christmas Carefully note these attractive Gift Books for Little Folks—Juniors
9. Mollusca—Mussel — ....... .......................................(60,000). 10. Arthropoda—Honey Bee .„.................. ........... (400,000). 11. Chordata— Fish to Man ....................... ...............(30,000). A careful .study of the above animal forms, their habits and life histories, shows how impossible it is to believe that all life has evolved from some common unicellular form .' It is one thing for evolutionists to believe that Adam “was the son of a monkey, which was the son of a vulture, which was the son of a scorpion, which, was the son of a lizard, which was the son of a bumblebee, which was the son of a bug, which was the son of a tadpole, which was the son of God,” (*) but it is quite another thing for them to prove that the forms in any one phylum have evolved from or into forms of another phylum. Opposed to this are the laws of life that “like produces like” and “from nothing, nothing comes.” Vain Imaginations The protozoa may have evolved into some higher form, but we have no proof for it. Cockerell states that the sponge has “no tendency to evolve into anything higher” (Zoology, p. 207). The echinodermata have bodies that diverge from a common center. The shell fish have spit bodies, and most of them are covered with a skeleton of shell or chitin. The insects have bodies made up of a series of rings or segments movable one upon another and with a pair of jointed legs, attached to each segment. The verte brates have an internal skeleton to which the muscles are attached from the outside, both skeleton and muscle sur rounding and protecting the vital organs. Imagination alone can cause life to jump from the star fish to the oyster, from the oyster to the crab or honeybee, from the crab or honeybee to a fish, snake, bird, or man. The teaching is that one may not have descended directly from the other but that certain ones came from a common ancestry which has since disappeared from the earth and left no fossil remains. This is equivalent to saying that- each living form is represented by an imaginary limb on an imaginary tree of life. There is no portion of t h e , classification table of either plants or animals that is an exception to the above. The reader may prove this for himself by consulting a botany or zoology. To illustrate, the “vertebrata” is “subphylum IV” under “chordata” and includes the following classes: 1. Cyclostomata. 2 . 'Elasmobranchii. 3. Pisces. 4. Amphibia: Lowest— Mud-Puppy; Highest— Toad. 5. Reptilia: Lowest— Turtle; Highest— Snake. 6 . Aves: Lowest—Archaeopteryx; Highest— Sparrow, 7. Mammalia: Lowest— Duckbill; Highest—Man. It will be seen that the amphibia stand next to the rep tilia; the reptilia stand next below the birds; and the birds stand next below the mammal. Now by arranging all the forms of life in each of the sub-groups from low to high, it is found that the highest amphibian, the toad, falls next to the lowest reptile, the turtle. The highest reptile, the snake, falls next to the lowest bird, the extinct Arch aeopteryx. The highest bird, a song bird like the sparrow, falls next to the lowest mammal, the Australian duckbill. “Missing Links” are Still Missing It is readily seen that these forms, falling next to each other in pairs, should be very similar in appearance and (*) M cPherson, Rev. G. W „ The New Y ork H erald, A u g u st 13, 1922 pag e 5. N ote: Mr. M cPherson believes in special creation. H e is here show ing th e ridiculousness of evolutionary belief.
Beautiful Stories Series
Young People’s Favorite Authors W e recomm end the fol low ing l i s t of books for y o u n g people— to those w ho will be .w anting low priced books fo r C hristm as giving. N othing b e tte r can be h ad for th e price. J.Cole M iss T oosey’s M ission Sw an Creek B lizzard Bonnie Jean L addie Ye N ext T hing Did th e P ard o n Come Too L a te ? W axw ing A D ay’s Tim e T able (T ) B aritone’s P arish The G ift The L o st S ta r W ords of H elp fo r C hris tia n G irls Reliable Gospel Gift Books for Boys and Girls— If th e selection is left to us we will carefully select books to th e b est possible value . to su it boys an d girls of vario u s ages. B right Eeyes A dventure of A Sixpence
Stories from the Bible to ld in a m anner th a t will be readily u n d ersto o d and followed by young readers. Profusely illu strated . T he F irst C hristm as Once in Seven Y ears The S to ry of the Jubilee W ith H am m er an d Nail The S to ry of Jael and Sisera Five K ings in a Cave The S to ry of a G reat B attle The W isest M an The S to ry of Solom on A F arm er’s W ife The S to ry of R uth The M an W ho D id N ot Die The S to ry of Elijah W hen Iron D id Swim The S to ry of Elisha W h at Is Sw eeter T han H oney? The S to ry o f Sam son The Boy W ho Obeyed The S to ry of Isaac The F arm er Boy The S to ry of Jacob The F av o rite Son T he S to ry of Joseph The A dopted Son The S to ry of Moses The Boy G eneral The S to ry of Joshua T he Boy a t School The S to ry of Sam uel T he Shepherd Boy The S to ry of D avid The Boy W ho W ould Be K ing The S to ry of A bsalom T he C aptive Boy T he S to ry of D aniel T he B oy Jesus B inding D ecorated in Gold and Colors
Bonnie Sw eet Robin Two L ittle H elpers The Open F ountain L ittle Prodigal A t G randpa B o g art’s By M oonlight H arry ’s Invention H ow H e E scaped M iss D r. Belby M ission of a G ray Sock R ailroad B uilding Sketches and Stories T alking It Up T hanksgiving D inner Jessica’s F irst P ray er
Sunday School Teachers and others who are want ing several inexpensive books to use as gifts will do well to order from these lists for Little Folks. Painting Books T he C oloring of th e Sketches m ay be left to the im agination of th e child. S unday “A D elight”— The P a in t an d P leasure Book 50c N oah’s A rk P ain tin g Book 50c S crip tu re T exts P ain tin g Book .25c Picture Sewing Book Farm Model Book P rin ted in outline fo r col oring a n d for c u ttin g o u t each su b ject m ade w ith folding b rack et to stan d b y itself. 7x10 inches 25c If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., ad d 10% fo r postage. u n less otherw ise specified. If books a re to com e by m ail P rin ted in d o tted outlines for children to sew w ith col ored y arn s to m ake com pleted p ictu res. 7x10 inches 15c
B I OL A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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